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Welcome Forum Car Shows New Car Show Calendar Feature

  • Creator
  • #1908
    GTO Man

    We are working on a new feature to be available from the car show calendar page. It will be a map showing the location for all the shows for the next weekend. It will give you a point of reference as far as distances to the shows that weekend. We will let you know when it is available.

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  • Author
  • #23640

    Way To Go GTO Man!!!

    This will another great feature. Last year, with most shows I didn’t know exactly where I was going or what the distance to the show would be. I usually watched for other cars and just fell in behind them when I started getting close to where I thought I needed to be.


    Way To Go GTO Man!!!

    This will another great feature. Last year, with most shows I didn’t know exactly where I was going or what the distance to the show would be. I usually watched for other cars and just fell in behind them when I started getting close to where I thought I needed to be.


    This will hopefully be a good visual feature that will help make it clearer where the shows are and easier for you to select which one(s) to go to

    GTO Man

    This link takes you to the map. http://www.wiscollectorcar.com/car_show_map.html We will be updating the map weekly to reflect that weeks shows. Let us know what you think.


    Its also available on the main menu on the homepage – under Car Show Map. I will be adding it to the menu up at the top of the forum soon too – you will click Car Shows and get a choice for either calendar or map

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