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Welcome Forum Car Shows O-Town Showdown Thank you!

  • Creator
  • #5172

    So I want to again thank all of you who participated in the 2011 O-Town show down to make it a great success! I want to thank all of our great sponsors and donors of the great door prizes. we handed out over $9000.00 in door prizes. Everyone who attended should have received a prize. We registered 148 and had about 10 that didn’t register after 12 and about 5 that choose not to be judged so roughly about 160+ cars WOW Great considering we had two shows in the near vicinity! I hope everyone had a great time. I know I can not please everyone but we try and if you have a suggestion to make it better please shoot me an email. I hope to see all of you out next year! Again many Thanks see you soon Aaron & Jill

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  • Author
  • #38436

    here is a few pics to see more check out my facebook page I have tried for the last few hours to load pics but I can not figure this site out.


    You gave Ms. Wisconsin my phone number, right? There was one girl at the Showdown who got extremely jealous while I was panting over the Dairy Queen :whistle:



    oh boy! I got got nothing for that lmao!


    I figured it out and have now posted all the pictures to the photo gallery 2011 car showsB)


    what a great night. I wish you all the best! B)

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