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Welcome Forum The Lounge posting review

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  • #4473

    Either I am a complete moron, or this board hates me. I wrote a review about the Rochester show and it would not post. Keeps telling me to put a value in the “Forum Topic” box…whatever that means. I mean I wrote something in the space. Not sure what it wants me to do. I’ve done this before with no trouble, so why is this happening. i really have no patience for this kind of thing and I lost a good couple of paragraphs now…I will not type this again

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  • Author
  • #35359

    Sorry to hear that! Were you posting it on a section of the Forum or on Rate The Show? It sounds like to me that you were posting it on the Rate The Show. If you this happens again, just fill in the “Forum Topic” box with a link to the forum or wherever. I double checked the settings and it is not required so I’m surprised you got that error.

    Sometimes before I make a big post I do CTRL+A to select all the text in my box and then CTRL+C to copy it and keep a copy just in case there’s a problem. That way, I can go back and paste it (CTRL+V) again later without losing it.


    Thanks for the tip. I’ll remember that the next time. I need to learn to be more patient :P

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