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Welcome Forum The Drag Strip Proposed Tariff on Import Collector Vehicles

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  • #83323


    The President is proposing a tariff of 25% on all imported vehicles and parts, no matter how old, in the interest of National Security.

    Even if such a tariff makes commercial sense for new vehicles, it doesn’t for old ones. (That ’67 Volvo probably isn’t impacting sales of those new F-150’s.) But it will make buying those old imported cars, and keeping them running, more expensive.

    Pres. Trump is proposing to make this change by Proclamation, not through legislation, so your comments might not make much difference right now (unless you are Kim Kardashian). But it might persuade some politicians to set things right again later.

    The only sure thing is: if you say nothing, nobody knows how you feel. Please consider registering your opposition to an import duty on collector vehicles and parts. The following article gives links to the government notification, plus how to oppose it.


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  • Author
  • #83464

    Love him or hate him, some of these tariffs need to go under the microscope for the greater good. I can see a tariff on new vehicles, but if you’re buying a collector vehicle, old parts, etc. one shouldnt have to pay an extra 25%.

    I just ordered some reproduction Plymouth hubcaps for one of my customers who had me get him a new wheel and tire package for his car, the caps are coming out of Canada. I thought they were overpriced to begin with, I hope when they arrive they exceed my expectations.

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