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Welcome Forum Car Shows QSL, August 23

  • Creator
  • #3584

    Well this week we are back to “normal”, whatever that is. No Good Guys excitment. I hope this weekend has not worn anyone out.

    House of Horsepower is the scheduled guest. They say that they are bringing a few cars. If you haven’t yet met these guys, you should come out and do so. They are really great guys and build some nice, powerful muscle.

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  • Author
  • #30502

    I’m not sure if I can make it out to QSL on Thursday night, we’re supposed to be 3 places. We hope to make it out again before the cruising season ends, this Wisconsin weather is proving to be very unpredictable!

    Jon is doing a great job!

    I’m not sure if I can make it out to QSL on Thursday night, we’re supposed to be 3 places. We hope to make it out again before the cruising season ends, this Wisconsin weather is proving to be very unpredictable!

    Jon is doing a great job!

    Well I guess the only solution is to buy another car in addition to your Chevelle and Camaro! w00t.gif Drogar-Laugh(LBG).gif

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