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Welcome Forum Car Shows Quaker Steak & Lube 2013

  • Creator
  • #5726

    Just started working on the new year of Lube cruises.
    Again this year we will be doing the weekly theme nights. I listen to all input people share with me each week to improve the nights. So this year I have changed it a bit.

    Now “Exotic” and “Tokyo Drift” nights will be combined into one “Exotic and Import Night”.

    I will be using the now open night to have a “Family Tree Night”. Last year a few have said that they feel Chevy, Ford, and Mopar nights do not include them. “Family Tree Night” will be for the other loved brands..Oldsmobile, Buick, Pontiac, Mercury, and Cadillac.

    Also our Friday night “Truck Nights” did not work as hoped so we will now have a week themed for trucks. We are still considering having live music Fridays with VIP parking for trucks, yet still undecided.

    I am very pleased to say that a local company may be sponsoring our cruise nights, which will bring different specials and maybe some give-aways.

    Of course there will be our loved charity show in late summer for Gilda’s Club. I am hopeful that I can grow this event. It is such a great charity.

    I will update as I have more details on live music and theme dates.

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  • Author
  • #41401

    It is still a bit cold to have the outside bar open. So it looks like May 2nd will be the first cruise night

    jonmandude wrote:
    It is still a bit cold to have the outside bar open. So it looks like May 2nd will be the first cruise night

    Sounds great, thanks for the update!

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