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Welcome Forum Madison Area Discussions Quaker Steak & Lube files for bankruptcy protectio

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  • #43183
    GTO Man

    Interesting, I wonder what affect it may have, if any on QSL’s in Wisconsin. I know the Middleton location was the busiest restaurant in the area at one time.


    Hopefully the new ownership will revise the menu and make the meals worth the money :sick:

    Every time I ate there, I had to ask myself, “Will I make it home, or will I be buying a new pair of pants?” :whistle:


    My guess is that the profitable stores will stay open. And that is one heck of a deal … 25 million for 50+ stores … that works out to about 500k per store …

    I wonder if they own the land and buildings or if they rent them?


    Well, I don’t think this will affect the Wisconsin stores. If it does, maybe they will make the franchisee get rid of those awful cheap plastic chairs.

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