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Welcome Forum Car Shows Quaker Steak May 8, 2008

  • Creator
  • #3864
    GTO Man

    Rate The Cruise Night:
    Accessibility (easy to get to): Most people in this area know where its at.
    Parking Location: Easy parking, well marked, person directing you where to park
    Entertainment: DJ, good music.
    Food: A, many choices
    Prizes: Dash plaques and plaque to best of show.
    Timing (day/hours): Typical
    Variety of Cars (week-to-week): B Good variety of cars this week about 60 to 70


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  • Author
  • #32037
    GTO Man

    u]Rate The Cruise Night:[/u]
    Accessibility (easy to get to): Most people in this area know where its at.
    Parking Location: Easy parking, well marked, person directing you where to park
    Entertainment: DJ, good music.
    Food: A, many choices
    Prizes: Dash plaques and plaque to best of show.
    Timing (day/hours): Typical
    Variety of Cars (week-to-week): B Good variety of cars this week about 60 to 70



    Rate The Cruise Night:
    Accessibility (easy to get to): A
    Parking Location: B – Nice setup as usual, some close together
    Entertainment: A – good music and outside now so that is an improvement from last year
    Food: B-
    Prizes: N/A
    Timing (day/hours): B
    Variety of Cars (week-to-week): A
    Suggestions: It was a good show overall, excellent for May with 60-70 cars. I thought the idea of having the voting table for participant-picked best of show out on the parking lot makes a lot of sense because now many more people will see it and vote.

    Overall Rating: B-

    Here are the photos:
    QSL May 8th

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