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Welcome Forum Car Corral & Swap Meet Read First: Disclaimer

  • Creator
  • #201

    This forum is solely for the purpose of contacting people with parts to trade. You could also put any cars that you might be wanting to sell up here as well. However, no formal transactions will take place on this site.

    Note: Wisconsin Collector Car assumes no legal liability for dissatisfaction with the merchandise or other issues the parties might have arising from a sale. We are merely a convenient place to communicate, and we offer no warranties or guarantees, explicit or implied.

    By using this forum you agree that Wisconsin Collector Car will not be held liable in any way for damages of any sort, and that you make such transactions as an informed party, knowing that they are “as-is”, and “buyer beware”.

    You also agree that the administrator or his moderators may move, modify or delete any material they deem not conducive to this forum, and that their actions are not open to debate or appeal. The decisions of the staff here are final and these rules will be enforced.

    Thank you for your cooperation

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