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Welcome Forum Car Shows Road Apples Car Show?

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  • #83050

    Does anyone have any info or confirmation or updates for the 2018 Road Apples/Madison VFW car show that normally happens in June? I haven’t seen it listed anywhere (Car Show Guide/Old Rides.com/Wisc Hot Rod Radio). In years past, I have received an early flier and was able to pre-register? What’s going on with this show?

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  • Author
  • #83078

    The Road Apples are no longer having a car show; the club has decided to move on in another direction.

    GTO Man

    The Road Apples show was always well done and an enjoyable day. It will be missed.

    Merc Man

    Another very good show gone. We will sure miss it.


    From the Road Apples Facebook page:

    For the past nine years the Road Apples have hosted a car show in June, we’ve given away thousands of dollars to several charities, made many car owners happy with various awards, have helped the Boy Scouts raise a lot of money that allows them to send others to camp and so much more. It has been decided the 2017 show was our last.
    This decision was upsetting to some and a relief for others. As you all know, putting on a car show can be difficult, much is done behind the scenes. I’d like to thank everyone that attended one (or more) of our shows, and all the club members that gave up nights planning, pitching in at the show, designing awards and anything else that needed to be done. Our sponsors – we could have not done this without them, we had many sponsors with us from the beginning, much appreciated. I’m truly grateful for the support through the years from everyone, we had some great times – rain or shine! See you at the next car show.


    Sorry to hear this but I understand completely. As a member of a car club I know well the work involved. I truly enjoyed DJing the car show you put on for those couple of years. Sincerely, Gregg Kluck aka Air Gtar Entertainment.

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