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Welcome Forum Car Shows Saukville 08

  • Creator
  • #4037

    Specific Ratings (A-F):
    Arrival/Departure (easy to find, easy to leave?) – C…one sign at the last possible moment.
    Parking Location – B..it was fine, but the rain made it hard to leave.
    Class Organization – A+++++ This was the best class breakdown I have ever seen at a show.
    Trophies & Prizes – A…tons of door prizes, and nice plaques as trophies.
    Food – B…the usual plus popcorn, pancakes, and hot cocoa.
    Entertainment – A+ A good DJ, and then 3 fairly good local bands
    Judging – B+
    Dash Plaque – B…average
    Variety of Cars – B…good mix, but the rain kept attendance down to about 60 cars (they average 300+ normally).
    Bathrooms – B…indoor
    Weather – F…cold, constant rain, windy.
    Trophy Presentation Timing – A…Somewhat early, kept it really moving fast.
    Entry Fee – A $5
    Overall Rating:put overall rating here A

    This show has a lot to offer: full beer tent, live music, good displays, tons of door prizes and raffle items, good group of attendees. If the weather was better, it would have been a fantastic show. I highly recommend adding this to your “must attend” list for next year.

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  • Author
  • #32846
    GTO Man

    Sounds like it could be allot of fun. How far of a drive is it from around here?


    Any chance you have a flyer from this show or a breakdown of their classes? I’ve never heard of this show, where is Saukville?


    Saukville is north of Milwaukee about 30 miles located on the Milwaukee River. It’s a pretty good show.


    unfortunatly i dont have a flyer of the classes. there were about 52 classes total. From Madison, its about a 1.5h drive.


    Sounds like a very well organized show! That takes effort and it certainly shows because class organization is always an issue at shows. It seems that they have developed an excellent system! icon_punk.gif thumbsup.gif

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