Welcome Forum The Lounge Should we move Off Topic?

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  • #1084

    lwrwench brought up a good idea about moving Off Topic to the top of the forum, therefore bringing more users and making it easier for car buffs to chat about stuff other than cars when they feel like it. What do you think, good idea or bad idea?

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  • #17895

    obviously, i voted “yes”.
    IMO, lots of people are just looking for a place to just hang out.
    making it obvious that this forum has a place to just hang out is a good idea.
    and i still really like “off-topic” better than “general”.
    anyone who knows me from “those other places” <insert mysterious look here> knows that i am all about the free-flow exchange of thoughts.
    it’s probably all due to the accommodation i have had to make with the voices in my head. ;)


    I voted “No. This is a car site and the focus should be on cars.

    I have a general discussion area at the very top at Convo Pit because it’s a general discussion forum ;)

    Rob’s Politick forum has its Off Topic discussion area at the bottom of the forum list. It’s a political site, obviously.

    This site shouldn’t shift its emphasis away from cars toward being another general forum, in my humble opinion icon_cheesygrin.gif


    I can see both sides of this issue. I’ll let all the other members speak their minds before we make any decision


    Why don’t you just download the offtopic button and highlight it a different color??? Can you mod a single button instead of all them?


    Id just leave it as it is, capmaster is right this is a car site where people should enjoy talking about cars and everything related to them. If people didnt read the car stuff and just post in the off topic then “the car site” might slowly fade away. The forum imo is working just great.. keep up the good work icon_punk.gif

    I voted “No. This is a car site and the focus should be on cars.

    I have a general discussion area at the very top at Convo Pit because it’s a general discussion forum ;)

    Rob’s Politick forum has its Off Topic discussion area at the bottom of the forum list. It’s a political site, obviously.

    This site shouldn’t shift its emphasis away from cars toward being another general forum, in my humble opinion icon_cheesygrin.gif

    i hadn’t thought about that.
    i withdraw the suggestion.
    this is a car forum, and it is very well set up as it is. :)

    Why don’t you just download the offtopic button and highlight it a different color??? Can you mod a single button instead of all them?

    Good question, maybe there’s a way to do that, I’ll have to look into it.

    I think I have a compromise, I’ll move OT to the top of the Other Section, above Current Events and Scifi, how’s that sound?


    Or here’s another idea – you could seperate ot into a seperate section. Then it would stand alone. Maybe just below your car section. Then it would stand out more as a seperate category.


    Thats an idea, I wonder if it would look weird only having one forum in that category though. So would we call that Category “Off Topic” and then what about the category for Current Events, Scifi, Computer, ect?


    It depends on how you want it to tie in with our “Partner Forums” ring.

    I just heard about a hack that lets you tie a topic to an external forum. I have to investigate it, but it would be cool to:

    1) Send Off Topic to Convo Pit
    2) Send Car and Car Repair to Garibaldi’s
    3) Send Bond to Pyrate’s place
    4) Send music to Pam’s place
    5) Send politics to Rob’s forum (now that Rob has joined us)

    But I can see a downside to sending ALL traffic in these areas somewhere else. There will still be off-topic discussions that should stay in the respective forums …and politics …and cars …and music.

    Maybe the best thing is to let the partner forum mechanism sink in a little more …I’m sure not everybody knows it’s even there yet, or how it works. There’s no hurry after all icon_cool.gif

    It depends on how you want it to tie in with our “Partner Forums” ring.

    I just heard about a hack that lets you tie a topic to an external forum. I have to investigate it, but it would be cool to:

    1) Send Off Topic to Convo Pit
    2) Send Car and Car Repair to Garibaldi’s
    3) Send Bond to Pyrate’s place
    4) Send music to Pam’s place
    5) Send politics to Rob’s forum (now that Rob has joined us)

    But I can see a downside to sending ALL traffic in these areas somewhere else. There will still be off-topic discussions that should stay in the respective forums …and politics …and cars …and music.

    Maybe the best thing is to let the partner forum mechanism sink in a little more …I’m sure not everybody knows it’s even there yet, or how it works. There’s no hurry after all icon_cool.gif

    That’s an idea. I don’t think I want to link OT to somewhere else though, I think every forum has to have a general discussions area where users can unwind. The Convo Pit is so much more than OT, its hard to summarize it in one forum. I can think of several major topics right off the top of my head:
    Photos and Photography

    One thing you have to weigh too is how you want to present the external links – making them “Our Partner Forums” might be less confusing for some users who all of a sudden click on a forum like all the other ones and are taken to a differnet site where they have to register. Its definitely something we have to give some thought to and then tweak


    well, while i can see that my original suggestion wasn’t well thought out (“you haven’t thought this through, Tracy” being my ultimate self condemnation) y’all have taken it and run with it. :)
    cool. :)


    Every suggestion is welcome! icon_cheesygrin.gif

    Every suggestion is welcome! icon_cheesygrin.gif

    Ok how about everyone wear watermelons on their feet????

    Oh you mean suggestions the forums…. oops :D :D :D

    Every suggestion is welcome! icon_cheesygrin.gif

    Ok how about everyone wear watermelons on their feet????

    Oh you mean suggestions the forums…. oops :D :D :D


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