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Welcome Forum The Drag Strip Street Racing Accident

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  • #43378

    Do we know who owned the 1934 Chevrolet Roadster and who might have been driving the car?


    Not sure if this will post, but here is a picture of the car from the Lacrosse area news.
    Very sad for everyone involved. No word yet on who it was.



    Wow.. that doesn’t look like a Roadster. Very sad, wonder what the other car was?


    It’s not a roadster but what is sadly left of a 2 door sedan.


    Robert Thiele, from Holmen. RIP man.
    Still very much under investigation, apparently.
    Be safe out there. You’re dead a long time.


    There’s a time and a place – That time and place is not on a city street in the middle of the afternoon.

    Racing should be done at a track, no exceptions. This coming from a guy who spent the many of late nights in the middle of nowhere showing off. That’s not to say I have (or have not) been involved in a vehicle acceleration contest since my 35th birthday :whistle:

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