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Welcome Forum Car Shows sturgeon bay car show

  • Creator
  • #4040

    Specific Ratings (A-F):
    Arrival/Departure (easy to find, easy to leave?) – I didn’t see any signs, but it was on 4th st. so it was pretty easy to find

    Parking Location – Most of it was right down main street with an overflow lot.

    Class Organization – none

    Trophies & Prizes – They had some homemade ones with a gas pump on them.

    Food – lots of stuff to choose from. They had a whole block of vendor to chose from

    Entertainment – Stage with a live band.

    Judging – na
    Dash Plaque – they had one.

    Variety of Cars – lots of stuff from the 50’s

    Bathrooms – bars, and portas

    Weather – sunny and 70.

    Trophy Presentation Timing – na
    Entry Fee – na
    Overall Rating:A

    They had 2 blocks of cars, then a block with food vendors and then a block of art fair stuff. Lots of the stores had stuff for sale on the sidewalks. There were about 80 cars there when I left at about 10; I would guess that they had 100 by noon. I’ll post some more pictures later.



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  • Author
  • #32860

    Very nice, not often we see a V12 Lincoln.


    Great photos, I love that v12! Sounds like a nice show and it worked out well that you were there now!


    Link to photos

    Here is something I can’t say I’ve seen before. It was a 8X12 digital picture frame with photos of the ower’s car playing as a slide show. It was in the sun and basically impossible to see, but in the shade it is a pretty cool idea.



    Specific Ratings (A-F):
    Arrival/Departure (easy to find, easy to leave?) – I didn’t see any signs, but it was on 4th st. so it was pretty easy to find

    Was it Positively 4th Street? Drogar-Laugh(LBG).gif

    Also, beautiful capture:

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