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Welcome Forum Car Shows Swan City Car Show

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    Beaver Dam Police Professional Association’s Swan City Car Show

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  • #36579


    I have to agree with you about the stock classes. Having a unrestored 20 year old vehicle being judged against something that rolled off the showroom floor is tough, as those cars are literally brand new. I think more shows, especially the larger ones, will have to adapt classes for stock 1990-1999 and 2000-current.


    Thank you moparkid25 for agreeing with me, I notice that a lot of shows have more awards for larger classes (the ?-to present class is usually one of them) but even so a further breakup 0f the class would shuffle awards around a bit. I’m also a fan of survivor or unrestored classes but some of those go back too far ex. “survivor 1980 and older” how many vehicles like that are there really? (maybe I would be surprised). It’s a tough call and I certainly don’t have all the right answers but I’m glad I’m not alone in thinking collector plates shouldn’t compete with vehicles just weened off of dealer plates (you like that lol)


    I was treated so poorly there once in the past by the person who was in charge I have never returned. Maybe I will go next yr.

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