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    Ok here’s a new game for you. This thread will involve general trivia of any kind, that means anything on any subject. Post the answer to the question and then post your own question. Sound like fun?

    Ok first question:

    In Special Relativity, what does Einstein say will happen the closer to the speed of light you travel (hint: something about time)?

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  • #12027

    The closer you are to the speed of light, the closer you can attempt to modify (behing ahead of time for example) the time according to the scale we gave to it just a few thousand years ago.
    The relation between speed and time becomes then false according to this scale.
    Reasoning with extreme speeds / hours / minutes / seconds changes everything, we then have to move the scale to years (light years).

    Next question : which strongest material on earth can burn like a paper sheet without extreme temperatures because of its nature ?


    Hm… that is a tricky one. I know the “strongest” material on earth that they have talked about is some type of hydrocarbon or something like what would be used to make a space elevator.

    I know that the material that spiders make their webs out of is very strong as well (but it breaks because its so thin), would this be the answer you’re looking for?


    You are pretty close, which means you have 99% of the answer : if you put a diamond in a frying pan (I know… what a weird idea !), it will burn.
    Even though having a different appearance from the one we know (black) or thing about, it remains carbon.
    Amazing isn’t it ?


    Wow that is amazing! jumpy.gif I guess I was pretty close with a carbon-based formation, diamonds just didn’t occur to me because they’re too valuabe to burn!

    Ok next question…

    Austrian History (middle of the 1800s)

    What did Emperor Franz Ferdinand like to do as his favorite pasttime?


    “son passe-temps le plus subtil consistait à inscrire dans un gros registre les numéros des fiacres passant devant la Hofburg”

    His favorite past time was to write down the numbers of the Hackney-carriages passing by the Hofburg in a big register.


    Not the one I’m thinking of. I’ll add something to my previous post, Emperor Ferdinand was very… limited.


    Too bad, I could remember that from my grandmother who was amazingly keen on European history… This was in one of her blue books dated 1921.
    The emperor was epileptic as well and hard a very hard time to speak most of the time and was in the way the detonator of World War I being killed in Sarajevo because of the alliances between countries at that time.
    That is all I know about that guy unless I do some further researches.


    The activity I was thinking of was he liked to roll around in wastebaskets throughout the halls of the palace catching flies in his mouth.

    It sounds like what you said is quite accurate as well, why don’t you start off the next question.


    Alright : what kind of vision could the pyramid of Chichen Itza (Mexico) give mostly every day ?

    Alright : what kind of vision could the pyramid of Chichen Itza (Mexico) give mostly every day ?

    Probably vision of heaven from the fog coming off the jungle?


    I think the last trivia is over,

    Here is a car question.

    When Did AMC get bought out, I need a Month, Day & Year. icon_scratch.gif

    GTO Man
    I think the last trivia is over,

    Here is a car question.

    When Did AMC get bought out, I need a Month, Day & Year. icon_scratch.gif

    March 2, 1987 Chrysler bought American Motors.

    Alright : what kind of vision could the pyramid of Chichen Itza (Mexico) give mostly every day ?

    Probably vision of heaven from the fog coming off the jungle?

    I’ll give you the answer : the pyramid of Chichen Itza is what is called a “degree pyramid” exactly the same as some in ancient Egypt (the very early ones).
    Every day, as the sun was going down (sunset), there was a kind of a special effect, accentuated by a snake head made of stone at the bottom : as the light of the sun was going down, the shadows of the degrees made the exact movement of a huge snake curling on earth.
    The shadow was moving as if that snake was alive.


    I’ve heard of that. Very interesting.
    Ok take it away Lightning!


    Do you know where that prymid is located? I been to the 2 big ones in Mexico but I don’t remember there names. I think one had to do with the sun god maybe. That was like 12 years ago I was there so my memory is a little fuzzy.

    Alright : what kind of vision could the pyramid of Chichen Itza (Mexico) give mostly every day ?

    Probably vision of heaven from the fog coming off the jungle?

    I’ll give you the answer : the pyramid of Chichen Itza is what is called a “degree pyramid” exactly the same as some in ancient Egypt (the very early ones).
    Every day, as the sun was going down (sunset), there was a kind of a special effect, accentuated by a snake head made of stone at the bottom : as the light of the sun was going down, the shadows of the degrees made the exact movement of a huge snake curling on earth.
    The shadow was moving as if that snake was alive.

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