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Welcome Forum Car Shows times of change

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  • #5334

    as you can see I show chrysler K-cars, many think that they are simply daily drivers still, but in book any car over 20 years old is a collector, which brings this to my attention, I’ve begun to notice this, most car shows are owned by the older folk with their Hemis and other muscle cars. But what about us? the 18-25 year olds? we simply don’t got that kind of cash to play wtih. So what I am getting as is, have you noticed the change of years at car shows? Most people are bringing the 80’s stuff in now. Its simply a new generation B)

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  • #39280

    :woohoo: lol i’ve had a few yahoos like that. One was so bad he was like opening my doors and stuff. If its not yours don’t touch. Ugly fairmont or fairdog I call those..I would not even purchase one of those if my life depended on it..


    I get those guys when I had my Marquis…which kinda was like a Fairmont.

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