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Welcome Forum The Drag Strip Wanted: Classic Car to Pose in Engagment Photo

  • Creator
  • #4770

    Hi Everyone,

    We received this message today:

    I was browsing through your website and I was wondering if anyone in the Madison Area allows thier car to be in photo shoots.  My Fiance and I have our engagement photos this Sunday night, June 20th, and we would love to have a classic car in our photos.

    Would anyone be interested in helping out? Please let me know! Thanks

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  • Author
  • #36571

    How classic of a car are they looking for?


    Little last minute but what are they specifically looking for?

    ’60 Apache….’69 Camaro….’58 Edsel. They may not be much but they picture really well.

    The Edsel likely wouldn’t be a choice for engagement photo, since it only lasted 3 years :laugh:

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