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Welcome Forum The Lounge Was Santa Claus good to you?

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  • #5338

    Well, was he?

    My mom always asks “What do you want for Christmas?” Since I’m not a picky person, and I’m now to the point where its not what I want, its more what I need. Plus I don’t expect my parents to spend a lot on me anymore as I am 30 (for a few more days).

    I got a new pair of jeans, which are always needed. I also got a gift card to Old Navy, as I like there jeans for work pants – its good, cheap clothing. I also got a couple of DVD’s, X-Men First Class and Caddyshack. Something you may not know but do now is that I am a comic book nerd, but I also love a good classic comedy!! My aunt who is my Godmother got me a Carharrt sweatshirt, which are always in demand!!

    My dad really suprised me this year though. As I am I firm believer in the right to keep and bear arms, I was presented with a Taurus 44 mag “Raging Bull” revolver. Something I more wanted than I needed, but I’ll take it :)


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  • Author
  • #39201
    GTO Man

    Yes, there is no snow on the ground. Nice gun, when are you getting your permit?


    santa screwed me over…I spent Sunday in bed with an icepack over my face because my sinus reconstruction surgery got infected (basically a sinus infection of epic proportions).

    Other than that, was a nice xmas eve with family.

    GTO Man wrote:
    Yes, there is no snow on the ground. Nice gun, when are you getting your permit?

    What makes you think I don’t already have one? :whistle:


    I got a lump of coal … I hope next year is better … :angry:


    I got a couple of model cars 👿 a Drag-ula and a 40 Ford plus tix to see the Glen Campbell farewell tour show.

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