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Welcome Forum The Lounge Wisconsin Road & Highways

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  • #84494

    I can’t tell where our gas tax money and wheel tax money and additional counter fees charged by Dept of Transportation is actually going, but this is what it feels like/looks like as I drive the roads around here.

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  • #84505
    GTO Man

    That is a good question about where the money goes. They don’t seem to care to put any toward the roads. And Wisconsin being a tax hell it is hard to understand.

    The schools are another example of increasing costs for property taxpayers with little return. Madison is floating a referendum idea for up to $280 million to fix the 4 high schools. Maintenance should be a normal part of any budget. No wonder this state is losing rather than gaining population.


    Just my humble opinion, but the Madison Metro School Dist is plagued with all kinds of problems – financial, leadership, behavioral, and the list goes on and on. I think the fix will start at the top with the right new school superintendent and some fresh faces and ideas on the school board. Most importantly, the high schools need to take back control of the schools from the students, and get parents more involved in their kids academics and activities. Maybe even hold parents responsible for their kids behavior or lack thereof.


    Record heat predicted for this week – Hinders working on the roads and highways, even if money is available

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