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Welcome Forum The Drag Strip Would you buy a GM or Chrysler right now?

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  • #4234
    GTO Man

    If you were looking to buy a new car would you consider buying a GM or Chrysler vehicle? Would the fact that they have taken government money influence your decision?

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  • #34089
    GTO Man

    A step in the right direction I believe. Hopefully the rest of the management will be following him. He should get no severance, just let him go.


    Obama, ya, we should let him go.

    wait, what?;)

    GTO Man

    GTO Man wrote:

    A step in the right direction I believe. Hopefully the rest of the management will be following him. He should get no severance, just let him go.

    I think we should take up a collection for him, he is going to have trouble maintaining his standard of living.

    ‘When Wagoner leaves the automaker, he will take a financial package worth an estimated $23 million.’


    President Obama announced that GM has 60 days to go through a restructuring and Chrysler has 30 days. More details here:


    Since when does the government have the right to tell a CEO to leave. Isn’t that up share holders and the board of directors? Welcome to the Socialist Soviet American States

    GTO Man

    I don’t know if lending them money to keep them in business gives them the right, but that is what has happened. I don’t think the US has been in a position where such a large industry with such a large footprint has been this close to going under. Time will tell if it was the right decision.


    lordairgtar wrote:

    Since when does the government have the right to tell a CEO to leave. Isn’t that up share holders and the board of directors? Welcome to the Socialist Soviet American States

    You beat me to the post. I wonder when Obama’s gonna fire me since I’m also a GM employee?

    GTO Man

    I don’t see am issue with getting rid of Wagoner. He led the company to this point. The only reason they haven’t gone into bankruptcy is because of government loans. I would rather see someone in charge more in tune to what will keep them in business going forward. GM has a bright future if the right changes are made, they couldn’t stay on the same course. Nobody wanted this to happen but it is better to look forward than back.


    GTO Man wrote:

    I don’t see am issue with getting rid of Wagoner. He led the company to this point. The only reason they haven’t gone into bankruptcy is because of government loans. I would rather see someone in charge more in tune to what will keep them in business going forward. GM has a bright future if the right changes are made, they couldn’t stay on the same course. Nobody wanted this to happen but it is better to look forward than back.

    I agree Wagoner had to go. But I don’t see where its the POTUSA’s job to fire him, if he was gonna be removed from his position it should have been by the board of directors or the shareholders.

    I fear the “change” is going to be for the worse. More cookie cutter cars that all look the same, have nothing to offer the “car enthusiast”, unless you want something ugly and/or hybrid. I’m not sold on hybrids, I want performance and looks. I want to see cars people actually want. I think this would spark buyer interest again…just like the muscle car wars of the 60s.


    Buying a new truck. Went to Ford. Not sure how long any of the big 3 have got, but Ford seems to be the one to go out last. Not at all influenced by Gov Loans. At least its not billion dollar gifts like banks.

    GTO Man

    Ford has put themselves in a position to come out of this very well. They have sufficient cash until well into 2010. By that time hopefully sales will have increased.

    If I were looking to purchase a new car now I would like at Ford first and GM second, Chrysler not at all.

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