Welcome Forum The Drag Strip Collector Plate Requirements To Change! Re: Collector Plate Requirements To Change!



We’ve all bitched about DMV causing problems for years. Now is your chance to do something to fix that.

Our bill has finally been introduced into the Legislature. It is now officially 2013 Senate Bill 110. We have a Senate Committee Hearing tentatively scheduled for April 11th.

We’ve worked for several years to achieve this level of cooperation with DOT. Lots of money has been spent to get this far. This is truly our only shot at this.

We need each and every Wisconsin citizen to take action now.


1) Sign up “IN FAVOR” of SB-110 Online.
Click https://docs.google.com/forms/d/18-2…viewform?pli=1 to register. You will be asked to provide your name, street, city, ZIP. This information will be provided to Sen. Grothman’s office only. Your name will appear in the hearing record. Please only register one time.

2) Attend the Senate Hearing.
Attending the Hearing is your right. As a show of support, we would like to have a large group (perhaps 50-100 ideally) attend the hearing.

You have a right to speak. However due to time concerns, we would prefer that you simply register IN FAVOR and do not speak. You will be asked to silently make your support known by show of hand or standing up. By acting as a solid group, your silence will be more powerful than words.

Be prepared to spend the entire day at the Capitol. We will confirm the date and time of the hearing. But these hearing schedules are unpredictable, and frequently get delayed. If you take the day off to attend, you won’t want to have to leave half-way through.

If you plan to attend, we’d appreciate having you RSVP via pm to get a rough head-count for planning purposes.


The Assembly may choose to hold it’s own hearing. If so, we will notify you. The procedure is similar to what we’ve outlined above for the Senate.

Assuming both Senate and Assembly Transportation Committees pass the bill, it will then go before both full houses for a vote. When that happens, we need to push legislators to vote for it. We will keep you posted as it progresses, and advise you what to do.

Click http://www.alfaheaven.com/MilitarySe…2013Legis.html for: Background Info – Including Links to the actual Bill, FAQs, and Extra Details.