Welcome Forum Car Shows Car Cruises and Shows for April 8 to April 14 Re: Car Cruises and Shows for April 8 to April 14

Luxuryliners wrote:
So am I correct to interpret that there are 2 shows going on simultaneously at both locations…that of course would leave a decision ahead…Mt Horeb is closer to me anyone else going there?

Yes, both locations are having events at the same time. The Mt. Horeb store is brand new, and is everything a grocery store should be!! They have a nice new parking lot too. I’ll be talking with Bill Miller tomorrow to get a little more info about parking, etc. I do know they are going to keep enough space open for about 20-25 cars, but will have some reserve room available if they need it. There will be no awards, but they do have a brat stand Saturday too!! Millers brats are a Weds tradition for my lunch in the summer, and if anything ill be going for those. If the weather pans out, the GN will get its oil changed and make an appearance there B)