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  • #4216

    I hear there is a for lease sign in front of Benchmark…. with some smaller sign they are moving? I checked the website and didn’t see any news there.

    Let’s hope they don’t pack up the cars without telling the owners! ;)

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  • #33782

    Wow, This would be news to me.

    I just drove past there this morning, and I didn’t notice anything different. The front showroom is still full, and nothing seems amiss.

    I had planned to go over this past Saturday afternoon, but something came up at home, so I didn’t make it over.


    GTO Man

    I think there may be a sign out there but it has been there for a long time, and I don’t think it has anything to do with them. I don’t think they are going anywhere, they seem to have a thriving business. It will be very interesting to follow the story of the Tucker convertible.


    That could be the case. I drove by yesterday and there was a lot of cars sitting outside. :unsure: I know firsthand that BC isn’t good at paying there bills on time…

    GTO Man

    Your right about them moving to a new location. My mistake, I didn’t read the sign. I would assume they need a bigger spaces, they seem to be bulging at the seams. Good time to move also, many possible locations open.


    GTO Man wrote:

    Your right about them moving to a new location. My mistake, I didn’t read the sign. I would assume they need a bigger spaces, they seem to be bulging at the seams. Good time to move also, many possible locations open.

    Anybody know where the new location is?

    Sure put alot of money into that Cap Corvette building to remodel before they moved in!


    I went out and visited with our friends at Benchmark Classics. It is true, they are relocating, just as soon as they can lease out their current space. Their new location is in Middleton, just across Deming Way from the Quaker Steak and Lube. They will be located in the near vicinity of the new CostCo store. On Thursday evening, they can simply roll a couple of cars across the street to QSL!

    Business is good, they tell me, and they have simply run out of room, for their inventory and for consignment cars. I wasn’t able to see the Tucker Convertible, but I did see WISCONSIN COLLECTOR CAR PLATE #1, which is currently for sale on their website.


    GTO Man

    Great location. Like you said will be ideal for them to show cars at the QSL cruise-in. Nice to see their business doing well.

    GTO Man

    Looks like the Tucker project is starting to take shape. From the pictures on the website allot of progress has been made.


    I would think that in order to realize the 5 mil asking price, that BenchMark will have to produce documentation, testimony, photographs, affidavits, or something tangible to prove that the car is what it purports to be. Barrett-Jackson talks about doing due diligence and establishing provenance and authenticity.


    I would be highly surprised if they had documentation like that, and even so can’t imagine someone paying that kind of money in this economy. If you have 5 million to spend on a car, there are far better places that need it! :)


    Some good reading on the Tucker Fourm:laugh:

    GTO Man

    Typical reaction by some of the members there who are jealous of someone who has something they would like to have. Some talk of a ‘cheap marketing stunt’ bu putting it on Ebay. Well if you can get allot of exposure for a product at a low cost and you also get many people talking about it, that is very smart business.


    A lot of marketing folks recommend putting items like that on ebay just for that reason. It is cheap and it can draw a lot of attention. It is cool that they are now taking photos every couple of days and are posting them on their website. I think it would also be nice if they had a weekly blog about it. I love photos, but a little text to go with them is also nice (videos help too!).


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