Welcome Forum The Drag Strip Automotion Weekend 2016: Re: Automotion Weekend 2016:

FastWithClass wrote:
moparkid25 wrote:
Why? Why? Why must these other shows take place the same weekend as Automotion?

Sounds like a cluster**** of a traffic jam again this year. Circle track, it might be time to add electric fans to your Chevelle so you don’t overheat in traffic this year.

I have the preregistration form for automotion sitting on my desk, I want to go, but I can’t bring myself to send the form in. I know I would have a great time that weekend at the show, but I can’t stand the thought of the idiot kids driving like assholes, not being able to get around, and feeling like a prisoner in the Dells that weekend :(

F*** Automotion.


7 PM band. A gaggle of long haired freaks that plays 80’s metal/rock.

I might even let you camp in my yard, or basement & bang some slut you drag back from the beertent.


Now that sounds like a fun, local alternative. Perhaps we can get our Janesville friend to attend with his C4 at the show, then we all enjoy an adult beverage or two that evening to Shout at the Devil?