Welcome Forum The Lounge US Health Care System Ranked 37th

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  • #5745
    GTO Man

    I am very surprised it is ranked that high. The board overseeing it is doing a poor job, Johnson& Johnson, Pfizer, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck & Co, Eli Lily, Bristol Myers Squib, etc.

    Business Insider Story

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  • #41308
    GTO Man wrote:
    I am very surprised it is ranked that high. The board overseeing it is doing a poor job, Johnson& Johnson, Pfizer, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck & Co, Eli Lily, Bristol Myers Squib, etc.

    Business Insider Story

    It sounds like Paul Ryans next budget proposal includes repealing Obamacare, which is great though Im afraid it wont pass. We need to get the pharmacutical companies out of the politicians pockets, and get the politicians heads out of there asses.


    How did they rate the countries? Ease of access? Efficacy of treatments? Cost to the individuals?

    GTO Man

    The rankings are based on an index of five factors — health, health equality, responsiveness, responsiveness equality, and fair financial contribution

    The data used is from 2000 I believe. Since then I would assume the US has fallen further.


    Obamacare will drop us further down that list unless its 1. Repealed, and 2. The pharmicutical companies quit raping and pillaging the healthcare providers who 3. Rape and pillage the public so 4. Health insurance becomes unaffordable.

    GTO Man

    Obamacare isn’t necessarily the answer either. IMO, the current for profit model definitely isn’t the answer, it has been a failure as far as providing affordable health care. A local example of a not for profit success story is with GHC locally. They are the highest rated from what I understand with the lowest cost.

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