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Welcome Forum The Drag Strip Pardeeville Community Car Show 2013 Re: Pardeeville Community Car Show 2013


Nobody`s bitching, just stating fact. Talked to a couple of guys who used to judge at this show and they admitted to favoring there brand of vehicle and gave the votes to these cars whether it was deserving or not.Don`t plan on attending this show, and for johnmandude and circltrack to critizice me, I`ve seen on this site where you bitch and complain just like every one else if things don`t go your way. I`ve always said I have no problem with a show if things are on the up and up and based on all the complaints this show receives every year I say this show is far from being on the up and up. I`m entitled to my opinion and if any of you so called experts on car shows don`t like it then I guess you are the ones with the problem. After all the years they have been putting on this show they should be able to make every one happy or at least comfortable about attending with out having to worry about possibly getting screwed over.