Welcome Forum Car Shows Cruise and Show Season 2011

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  • #5267
    GTO Man

    What were the highlights and lowlights of shows and cruises you attended this year? Any trends that you noticed? Good trends? Bad trends?

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  • #38820


    Blanchardville 2011. Franks last year. Guys a legend.

    Monroe Cruise ins

    I don’t think that i was at a “bad” show this year.

    Shows seemed to be getting better. Some of the really small shows were some of the better ones.


    Rained out shows. Seemed there were more shows this year that got rained on.


    I only made it to two shows with my cars …

    I think we are seeing more cars at shows (pending the weather); but a lot of those cars are 1998 and newer … I have no issues with it … the fact is for 8-15k you can pick up some pretty nice Camaros, Vettes and Mustangs that are turn key with AC.

    In my opinion Collector cars (or new muscle) are the new boat. Meaning folks are now buying cars instead of boats, because if you buy the right car it may be worth the same you bought it for, where as a boat ….

    It is nice to see more shows being done for a benefit.

    I think we are finally seeing enough porta-johns and toilet paper at shows ;)


    I agree on the rain thing.

    People bitching about not winning a 15 dollar plastic trophy


    Lots of new builds/restorations. Awesome quality. Show organization is getting better.

    Weather issues.


    Other Lows:
    People who have no common sense or courtesy (climbing in cars, leaning on them, letting thier kids play in them). We had an issue at the Chalmers Jewlers show when a couple thought it was their right to let their kids play in the show cars…

    Eclipse_Tuner wrote:
    Other Lows:
    People who have no common sense or courtesy (climbing in cars, leaning on them, letting thier kids play in them). We had an issue at the Chalmers Jewlers show when a couple thought it was their right to let their kids play in the show cars…

    Seriously, wtf do people think?



    Attended different shows in different states. Some were good, some sucked.

    Blanchardville – 25 years of Frankness, though a milestone its bittersweet its coming to an end.

    Shows being put on for a good cause, not to pad someone’s wallet.

    No one annoying me to the point of me wanting to see if my fist can fit inside there face.

    Won my first Pardeeville award, means more to me than most people would understand.


    The annoucer/organizer at the Edgerton show being drunk during the awards.

    The weather.

    Beloit Autorama – F*** me once, shame on you. F*** me twice, shame on me.

    People disrespecting other people’s property. Opening car doors, sitting in cars, touching cars. These people need to go hiking in Iran.

    Upset there wasn’t enough bitching about RTS’s this year like the last couple. It was a great stress reliever for me.

    Overall, I just wasnt as pumped up about shows this year like last. I think it’s time to reitre after 10 seasons in the league :unsure:

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