Welcome Forum The Drag Strip Door speakers in map pockets

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    Last spring I went to a car show in Waukesha where a vendor showed a combination map pocket and door speaker enclosure which would mount on the bottom of the inner door allowing the door to have a speaker and storeage area. Of course he was out of info and I, for some STUPID reason, did not get his card. Has anyone out there seen these on the market? I thought it nicely solved the problem of where to put a speaker when you don’t want to hack up your classic car. I have searched the internet with no luck so am hoping someone else has seen it and knows where to purchase one.

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  • #11693

    So it had a speaker setup and then like a pocket for storage next to it? I went to Spring Jefferson this year, I don’t remember seeing anything specifically like that there, but then again I wasn’t looking for that. I will keep my eyes out at the upcoming shows in case I see anything. I’ll try and get a card for you. 😉


    It was a really neat setup. The enclosure was genuine artificial leather grain black vinyl and had a speaker location in the front that took either a 5.25″ or 6″ speaker with the storeage area running along the seat. Total length was about 18″ if my memory works and about 6″ in height and maybe 3″ max in depth. A very workable solution to a common problem.

    It was a really neat setup. The enclosure was genuine artificial leather grain black vinyl and had a speaker location in the front that took either a 5.25″ or 6″ speaker with the storeage area running along the seat. Total length was about 18″ if my memory works and about 6″ in height and maybe 3″ max in depth. A very workable solution to a common problem.

    That does sound very nice! thumbsup.gif It sounds like the storage space is big enough to actually hold something, which makes a definite difference. You didn’t take any pictures by chance did you?

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