Welcome Forum The Lounge Fire Drill

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  • #827

    Hi Folks
    Hey every once in a while you have to have a fire drill . With me I have lock out drills , you know leave the keys inside the ignition and press the lock button! 😮 But hey at a car show this makes allot of sense . It helps you seek out the tools needed tool to reopen your locked door and it gives you practice using them. Now you know darn well even though you have a bunch of friends in that area just willing to help , it wouldn’t be polite to ask to disturb there day. 🙄
    test one see how many of the stupid tools actually work that you paid 8 bucks for, step two just how many of them become part of the truck when your done with them.
    Now this here look on my face is not anger 😈 its deep thought and careful manipulation of this some what involved tool.
    Ta da see it was not all that bad, now of course I was not going to put you threw the multiple selection of lock extraction hardware that was in use during this drill demo . This would only lesson the height of excitement you get out of it when you do yours. 😉

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  • #15078

    Wow, great job! That’s actually a really good idea, put yourself in a real situation where you need to get it open – that’s a true test for those tools! Thanks a lot for sharing Steve! jumpy.gif


    The police around here carry lock-out tools.

    They get a LOT of calls for that!


    It is an easy mistake to make!


    Yep, I keep my lockout kit right behind my seat BangHead.gif

    Yep, I keep my lockout kit right behind my seat BangHead.gif


    Kind of a problem I’d imagine! What they need is a magnetic hide-away lock kit that would fit somewhere on the exterior!


    My brother repos cars and has had a few of the high dollar kits. The books with year/make instructions are really nice! I don’t have the nerve to do that kind of work anymore. We where not what you would call a “Gone in sixty seconds” operation. Like a 80 model tow truck with exaust leaks and chains rattling and the body squeeking, gears grinding and smoke belching. It’s tuff to make a living doing it that way.


    So you did do that for awhile? I bet that was an interesting experience!

    Like a 80 model tow truck with exaust leaks and chains rattling and the body squeeking, gears grinding and smoke belching



    Nah, I only rode shotgun on a few in some rough areas and then I have driven a few of the volentary repos to a storage/sale lot. My brother is actually pretty good at it, but kind of gets screwed in that by the time the banks call on him and his fees, it is a tuff job. There are alot of cheaper guys out there that don’t worry about damage and such and they tend to get the first shot at them. Most of the cheap guys don’t even have tow trucks they break into or use the keys to get them or do the volentary repos. My brother has to pay for his equipment and overhead and do research on the ones that he gets. Sometimes it is gravy and sometimes not and they tend to come and go in cycles, 20 one month and none the next.


    Is your brother still doing it?


    Yes and no. Last week he got stupid and managed to end up in the hospital. A winch cable and hook caved in the right side of his head. Depending on the outcome of his adventure he may not even be able to drive. I haven’t seen him yet in the hospital (I just got back in town) but I have talked to him on the phone. He is still as cranky as ever but we have to wait for the swelling to go down to see if his vision is affected. I hope to be able to talk to a doctor and get some answers after work Monday. He says that he is seeing double and can’t focus, could be the swelling, could be worse. Worrying won’t help and he is one tuff dude. I am going to sneak in some hamburgers for him. I may even be able to turn a profit from them. (Just kidding) Sneaking food into the hospital is one of my best charities, you can win some life long freinds that way.

    Yes and no. Last week he got stupid and managed to end up in the hospital. A winch cable and hook caved in the right side of his head. Depending on the outcome of his adventure he may not even be able to drive. I haven’t seen him yet in the hospital (I just got back in town) but I have talked to him on the phone. He is still as cranky as ever but we have to wait for the swelling to go down to see if his vision is affected. I hope to be able to talk to a doctor and get some answers after work Monday. He says that he is seeing double and can’t focus, could be the swelling, could be worse. Worrying won’t help and he is one tuff dude. I am going to sneak in some hamburgers for him. I may even be able to turn a profit from them. (Just kidding) Sneaking food into the hospital is one of my best charities, you can win some life long freinds that way.

    icon_eek.gif That sounds quite serious! Please tell him all of us here at Wisconsin Collector Car hope that he makes a full recovery!!!! jumpy.gif

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