Welcome Forum Car Shows Here’s another scheduling conflict that I have noticed…

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  • #3815

    Saturday, the 26th of July

    The House of Horsepower Show is scheduled, and

    the Annual Fox Lake Show is scheduled on the same day.

    I really like both of these shows, so how do you decide which one to attend? Would the cost of gasoline, predicted to be around $4 a gallon keep you at home in Madison or prevent you from driving to Fox Lake?


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  • #31901
    GTO Man

    Good point, I think the House of Horsepower show could be bigger than last year if we aren’t in a monsoon season. The Fox Lake show was good last year, but it is a pretty long drive. The cost of gas may come into play depending how much I will be driving the cars this year. At this point I don’t plan on cutting back at all, but that may change. Had the seats in the Judge redone and because the first place screwed them up royally it has ended up costing basically nearly double what it should of.


    If driving your dream car/hobby car during the summer is what you enjoy, then the price of fuel won’t stop you. I have heard that it will go higher, then come back down around May. You can’t really trust any of these fools who predict gas prices, it’s almost like being a weatherman-you can be wrong and it doesn’t seem to matter.

    Personally, I’d drive to Fox Lake.


    I’m actually thinking of ditching both and heading up to Conover that weekend. I have family in the area we can stay with and a change of scenery might be nice. It’s a long drive, we’ll more than likely go Friday and come home Sunday. I’m pretty sure the Lake WI Cruisers have a show that weekend also, it’s a busy one. I remember last year there were 5 shows in the area the last weekend of July.

    For what it’s worth, I did let Lance know the conflicts on that weekend. I would think Fox Lake would surely influence his show. I like it when the shows are later in the summer (like Lance did last year), many shows are winding down and it’s COOLER outside! :)


    Yep, I am in agreement with circletrack. I think that many of the local car enthusiasts who would attend the HOH show have been doing the Fox Lake Show also. I don’t remember the actual numbers from last year, but the Fox Lake show is growing by leaps and bounds every year.

    GTO Man

    Fox Lake looked like it was running out of room in fact. The weather last year was perfect for the show.


    after last year’s experience at fox lake, I have no interest in attending it…unless they get some qualified judges

    GTO Man

    Another conflict is on June 7th with Deerfield and DeForest car shows the same day. DeForest in not judged and Deerfield is so that could make the choice easier.

    Another conflict is on June 7th with Deerfield and DeForest car shows the same day. DeForest in not judged and Deerfield is so that could make the choice easier.

    Both were always good shows, I guess if I had to choose I would probably go with Deforest though

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