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Welcome Forum The Drag Strip New too…

  • This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 19 years ago by Anonymous.
  • Creator
  • #303

    Bonjour to everyone :)

    I live in France and got an invitation to join you all on this forum.
    So, first, thank you :)

    I have live in New Mexico where I graduated some years ago, never had the opportunity to visit Wisconsin, but have been throughout your country many times.

    I have always liked cars, and graduated in photography thanks to…. Cars ! (especially Hudson cars)
    With the New Mexico dry weather, many old cars were in excellent condition and my passion for these old “ladies” increased even more.

    We have quite some car exhibits and interesting competitions here (I live 40 miles away from Magny-Cours for those who know that racing place).

    Next week-end there is a car exhibit in Paris (Coupés and Cabriolets)… I am sure I’ll see some of your nice engines there :)

    I hope this was not too long as an introduction, pleased to meet you all :)

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  • Author
  • #7787
    GTO Man

    Welcome, nice to have people from near and far. What type of photography do you enjoy?


    Thanks icon_wink.gif

    Mostly cars, American, British…
    But Also architecture, portraits, and personal compositions such as this : http://www.mo5.com/obsolete/Infoticaires/2005/Infoticaires-2005_500.jpg

    This image was made a few weeks ago for consoles and computers collectors meeting coming next July.

    And last but not least : Nature


    Welcome LightningPBL, great to have you here! Its really to have someone hear from France, its interesting to see what impact cars have there. It sounds like you’ve always had a passion for cars, me too. Its really nice that you could pursue that interest in your career!

    GTO Man
    Thanks icon_wink.gif

    Mostly cars, American, British…
    But Also architecture, portraits, and personal compositions such as this : http://www.mo5.com/obsolete/Infoticaires/2005/Infoticaires-2005_500.jpg

    This image was made a few weeks ago for consoles and computers collectors meeting coming next July.

    And last but not least : Nature

    That is a cool image.


    Thank you thumbsup.gif

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