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Welcome Forum The Drag Strip Nothing like the smell of racing fuel in the morning.

  • Creator
  • #309
    GTO Man

    Had to steal that from Apocalypse Now. Lets hear some other ones related to driving these cars.

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  • Author
  • #7876
    Had to steal that from Apocalypse Now. Lets hear some other ones related to driving these cars.

    Yeah nothing does. Went for a nice drive today, it was a beautiful day, just the right temperature. I love this time of year! Drogar-Love(LBG).gif


    It was definitely a nice day for a cruise. I took some pictures of my car at my favorite park which made it very rewarding. The only thing that makes me nervous when going there, and it’s something that I have accepted, are the prisoners assigned to do clean up work around the park. Drogar-BigGrin(LBG).gif

    It was definitely a nice day for a cruise. I took some pictures of my car at my favorite park which made it very rewarding. The only thing that makes me nervous when going there, and it’s something that I have accepted, are the prisoners assigned to do clean up work around the park. Drogar-BigGrin(LBG).gif

    You’ll have to post those pics!! drool.gif
    I took a couple of the ’56 tbird as well, I’ll post them up.

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