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  • #3732
    GTO Man

    Is anyone else sick of the political commentators? I am sick of hearing them analyze every little thing that happens. It is obvious from what happened in New Hampshire that they don’t have a clue what is going to happen. Their polls are meaningless. If I were to watch I would rather hear someone who is completely neutral, just reporting the numbers and not what they think will happen. The news networks today were reporting that Richardson was dropping out of the race. I hope the sources are wrong so it shows them to be the idiots they are.

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  • #31513

    I thought for a second you might have been reffering to me Drogar-Laugh(LBG).gif

    GTO Man
    I thought for a second you might have been reffering to me Drogar-Laugh(LBG).gif

    No, the people on CNN, CNBC, FOX etc. I just wish they would let the election happen.


    The coverage doesn’t tell the voting public anything about the candidates or their platforms. Why does any informed, or potentially informed, voter watch the poll coverage?

    Why? Because the general public isn’t informed and never will be. They just want to be part of whoever wins so they can feel like they mattered. They can say “I voted for the winner”. That is why they have entrance polls to help undecided voters decide and influence them. It is one more joke of the media.


    As usual, the people that know the least talk the most.

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