Welcome Forum The Lounge Product Rebates

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  • #3789
    GTO Man

    How many of you go out of your way to look for products that have rebates? The only rebate that I will use is an instant rebate. The companies know that with a normal rebate a certain percentage of the consumers will never return the coupon for the rebate.

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  • #31812

    I don’t go out of my way to find them. If it happens to be there I will send it in and hope I get the rebate. One of my friends sent in a rebate for some batteries recently and got back a letter saying he had to send in the reciept. He said he sent it in and now he has no rebate or reciept.

    “The companies know that with a normal rebate a certain percentage of the consumers will never return the coupon for the rebate.”

    They also know that they will deny some that are sent in.

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