Welcome Forum The Lounge Richard Childress Fires Shots at Intruders

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  • #82805
    GTO Man

    With the amount of crime in this day and age a family needs some protection. Background checks when purchasing a weapon are a good thing, it is interesting though how long it can take for an approval. Sometimes it is a matter of seconds, other times it can take days. I recently purchased a rifle and it took about 4 days for an approval. From what I understand it can take longer if the city you are in is having some type of event.


    I had a somewhat different experience, just recently, at Cabela’s Sporting Goods in Sun Prairie. I walked in. off the streets, and purchased a new handgun (for self defense and carried concealed – more knockdown than my previous handgun). The paperwork took about 20 minutes, but my background was checked, and my purchase approved, and I was out of the store and on my way home, in about 75 minutes, from start to finish. I was surprised at how quick the process was. But, it was the middle of the week and during the middle of the afternoon. Must of been a slow day at DOJ’s gun hotline.

    GTO Man

    I had a similar experience when I bought another rifle at Cabela’s a couple of year’s ago I was in and out with the gun in about 90 minutes. I wonder if it could be because of their link to the DOJ’s gun hotline. The rifle I just purchased was bought at a gun shop where they call it in. And the shop owner said everyone called in that day was delayed.

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