Welcome Forum The Lounge Stargates tonights episode.

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    So far I am liking the new plot to Stargate. Kinda getting anxouis with all these to be continues. The new doctor in the SGC did she used to be on Andromeda? You think she is the Generals Daughter or former lover? Did they say and I just missed it?

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  • #15831

    I haven’t seen tonight’s episode yet but from what I’ve read they have a mysterious connection – remind you of Lockley and Sheridan on B5? And yes, Lexa Doig played Rommie on Andromeda

    I like the new plot to SG-1 as well, Ben Browder is great, not to mention Claudia Black! I think Ben will make a great addition to the team. Does anyone know how the ratings for SG-1 are going, is it being well recieved overall?


    I watched SG-1 today, Avalon II. It was great IMO, a very well done plot and episode. They buried treasure that Cameron discovered after defeating the knight was a great touch, its nice to see the Stargate Program finding something actually very valuable – since that was one of their main directives. Also I liked the touch of actually killing Vala, and then that guy healing her. That made for a nice suprise rather than the “saving the character in the last second in a miraculous rescue” scenerio. Also I liked how that ancient communication device works and how we’re now learning more about the ancients, they are an important part of the story. Can’t wait for next week’s episode!

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