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Welcome Forum The Lounge The “little things” you realize you know…

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  • #4950

    What are some of the ‘Little Things’ you don’t realize until you do them?

    For example, I hate everything about the city of Madison. From the progessive’s that run the cesspool, to the history of the UW during the Vietnam War era, to the current crimes that plague the news today. But, as I was at an appointment yesterday, I realized I know how to get everywhere in that city. It doesn’t matter what part of the city you need to get to, I know how to get there without directions. I also know many shortcuts for bouncing around the downtown/isthmus/campus area.

    I can tell you anything you want to know about the Dukes of Hazzard, as I’ve researched it so much since I was a kid. Same goes for Knight Rider. I don’t know why, but I tend to over-think about a lot of TV shows that are iconic to me in some way, shape, or form.

    I like to memorize production numbers on certain things, not just cars, but comic books, die cast, etc.

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  • Author
  • #37470
    GTO Man

    It isn’t healthy to travel the streets of a city that you hate that much. It must be stressful. I am sure inhabitants of the city would appreciate one less vehicle on the streets.


    GTO Man wrote:

    It isn’t healthy to travel the streets of a city that you hate that much. It must be stressful. I am sure inhabitants of the city would appreciate one less vehicle on the streets.

    Especially when my gas guzzling truck throws slush all over there Prius because the City didn’t plow the streets :laugh:

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