Welcome Forum The Lounge UW-Madison Sees Applications Drop

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  • #4194
    GTO Man

    Hopefully this won’t continue, its one of the few good things this country has going for it, young people getting educated.

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  • #33654

    Yeah, but the cost of education is no longer offset by the salary after graduation. Statistically my generation will the the first generation in U.S history to actually be poorer than our parents…and that is directly tied to the cost of admission.

    When I was in UW, I saw my tuition triple over the course of 4 years.


    The other thing affecting applications is student aid availability…its pretty much non-existant now, especially if you are white. If you cant get financial aid, you cant really apply.

    Its actually a pretty harsh downward spiral.


    Don’t you know, we white people are given sacks of money at birth and our careers are pretty much mapped out by the government.


    lordairgtar wrote:

    Don’t you know, we white people are given sacks of money at birth and our careers are pretty much mapped out by the government.



    lordairgtar wrote:

    Don’t you know, we white people are given sacks of money at birth and our careers are pretty much mapped out by the government.

    That one made me laugh this morning.

    Actually, if UW Madison is losing attendance that could be a good thing. Maybe they will try to pull away from being Berkeley East.

    Tech schools have closed the gap. MATC systems credits now transfer to all UW schools and frankly, you don’t need a college education to have a good job. Sorry, I know many people that have no college education and make a hell of a lot more then I do.

    UW might want to market itself better then. It is a top tier school so it has to go for the top tier students.

    GTO Man

    The reason for the drop in applications is all economic. It is a great school which has become somewhat elitist. Many of the programs require nearly a 4.0 to get in the first year. They are attracting the best students. It is good that the Technical school education is just as good in producing good jobs, and in many cases better.

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