Welcome Forum Madison Area Discussions Is anyone else sick….

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  • #4987

    … of hearing Scott Walker getting bashed?

    I know there are members here who are employed by the State, and thats fine. I’m not picking on you. But I need to express my two wooden nickles on this whole thing.

    I see no issue in an employee having to contribute to there own health plan and retirement. Those of us in the private sector have had to do this, and given the current ecomonic climate, we need to “cut some fat” with our budgets. The Unions claim to be for the people, but in reality they are only for the people they are protecting. I’ve seen firsthand what the UAW gets away with on the Auto Assembly Lines, and its crap.

    The education system is broken. Teachers are being paid way too much and kids are learning so little. The school system is too light on kids, as they were when I was in school 12-15 years ago. The education system doesn’t teach any hands on experience, its all sit in front of the computer and google you answers. As was the case in my day, some teachers don’t want to teach you history of the world, they want to teach there opinion.

    If I were asked on how to change things, this is what I would do:

    -All state jobs would be eliminated. Re-hire those employees from the private sector, offer them a fair wage with a benefits package and a retirement option, such as an IRA or a 401k. Union interference would be extinct. If you are unhappy with your position, you are free to go.

    -Educators would have to earn there pay, i.e. have a wage scale based on performance and review. If you’re a good educator, you will be paid well. If you are not, there’s always McDonalds.

    That’s the take of a guy who’s been in the private sector and never had a Union protected position.

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  • #37641

    Very well put Marshall, thank you!

    I’m sure you have mixed feelings about leaving your job, I know you will enjoy retirement! :)


    Thanks Rachael!

    You’re absolutely right, I do have mixed feelings about leaving state service.

    I had planned to stay and work for two more years, but the current political environment changed my plans. I am happy to be able to leave state service now. It was my esteemed pleasure to work for and serve the citizens of Wisconsin! The state employees in place and replacing me will do even more for the common good and for the betterment of Wisconsin!


    Part of the problem is the far-reaching consequences of this bill that go beyond just the state workers. Institutions like the UW Madison would be also affected. As you know, the university system has brought a significant influx of revenue into the state through research (the WID/MIR is an example of this) and simply by brining in thousands of students attracted by this highly-rated university. However, passing this bill would make it harder for the UW to attract and tenure the best faculty and students, which has a direct impact on the UW’s ability to bring in revenue and create jobs for WI.

    All I am saying is that the consequences of this bill are not as black and white as simply affecting state employees; it would affect the community as a whole in ways that we can’t full realize now.


    You’re absolutely right.

    Another likely long term effect would be a steep decline in the amount and the quality of education our children and grand children will receive in public schools. When teaching positions get cut and funding for schools is cut, it is the student’s who are affected most.


    This is sure one heated debate. It’s a shame that we are all Americans and split this way. Lets face it, it’s all about the economy. If everybody was working, paying taxes and buying stuff we probably wouldn’t be having this discussion. I watched as the company I worked for downsized to survive. They went from 1,200 employees to less than 200. The people left had to take on additional duties. I did two other jobs. We all also took a 10% pay cut and watched our health insurance benefits cut and premiums go up. We couldn’t raise the price of our product because of competition. This type of story has been all too common in the private sector as companies are fighting for survival. As our State and Federal Govt’s. fight for survival maybe they should do some of the same downsizing and make hard decisions similar to private companies. Some day we will come out of this and be stronger. For now everybody needs to pitch in to make things work. Teachers have a tough job and I do not envy them, but we do need to keep the best and take care of them. I am evaluated every 6 months for performance, if I don’t get results, I will be gone. Tough times call for tough decisions.


    Very well said, thank you!


    PT50Man wrote:

    This is sure one heated debate. It’s a shame that we are all Americans and split this way. Lets face it, it’s all about the economy. If everybody was working, paying taxes and buying stuff we probably wouldn’t be having this discussion. I watched as the company I worked for downsized to survive. They went from 1,200 employees to less than 200. The people left had to take on additional duties. I did two other jobs. We all also took a 10% pay cut and watched our health insurance benefits cut and premiums go up. We couldn’t raise the price of our product because of competition. This type of story has been all too common in the private sector as companies are fighting for survival. As our State and Federal Govt’s. fight for survival maybe they should do some of the same downsizing and make hard decisions similar to private companies. Some day we will come out of this and be stronger. For now everybody needs to pitch in to make things work. Teachers have a tough job and I do not envy them, but we do need to keep the best and take care of them. I am evaluated every 6 months for performance, if I don’t get results, I will be gone. Tough times call for tough decisions.

    Your company downsized, you took a paycut. You stayed with that company and added more to your job description.

    You had/have a job (think I remember you posting something about being reitred??). Be thankful for that in its own. There are lots of people out there willing to work for a lot less.

    GTO Man

    I think the union workers are willing to put in more for health and pension. I believe what they are most concerned with is losing the collective bargaining rights.

    The way Walker has gone about this is very odd. He is completely unwilling to talk with the union. And he has the ‘sheeple’ around him that go along with it. I haven’t heard where Mr. Decker has landed yet. A number of Walker’s appointees are at or past retirement age. Why not let a younger person have the job. Walker is as good at payback as Doyle.


    For the record, State employees have been down sized, have reduced pay and have been required to pay more for benefits the past 6 years …


    Amigo2k wrote:

    For the record, State employees have been down sized, have reduced pay and have been required to pay more for benefits the past 6 years …

    Amen Ryan, Sounds like the teachers are all calling in sick tomorrow. Good for them..;-)

    Looks like all the republiCANTS will be looking for Jobs in two years.. I’ll bet they are all getting full pay with no reductions..


    What is that teaching the kids by having the teachers call in sick? While I support them, the kids are losing out.. isn’t that what becoming a teacher is all about?

    What would happen if the health, fire, or police called in tomorrow?

    GTO Man

    I don’t have a problem with the teachers calling in to show their solidarity against Johnny Walker. It will actually get students talking and could be a great learning experience about the labor movement in this country.

    As far as the Police calling in it probably wouldn’t make a difference with the number of crimes that take place in this area. Go Barney Fife.


    Students talking? More like, heck yes, it’s a great day to have off!


    Students won’t learn anything from there teachers except that you can get your way by throwing a temper tantrum.

    As far as the students are concerned, its a free day off of school.


    moparkid25 wrote:

    Students won’t learn anything from there teachers except that you can get your way by throwing a temper tantrum.

    As far as the students are concerned, its a free day off of school.

    800 students walked out of East High yesterday to show support of their teachers. I’m hoping we get our way with the temper tantrum..and the republiCANTS don’t.

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