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  • in reply to: Classics and Chrome Car Show #42302

    Went on there web site.It is a indoor show,looks to by invitation only. You fill out registration form and include up to 4 photo`s of your car and they decide if you are in the show or not. Classes seem very vague and they say they only pick 150 cars to participate.I could be wrong but that’s how I interpritate the rules.

    in reply to: Silk Exotic 1st Annual Car Show #41888

    I guess it wasn`t a bad show except for the fact I took 2nd place in the stock truck class ( I`m modified ) and a stock truck took 1st place in the modified class. I tried to get it straightened out with the organizers and they told me the judges choices were pretty much final.Glad to see the usual gang took home most of the awards.

    in reply to: The Five Guys You Meet at Car Shows #41731
    Xman wrote:
    No, this is not the sequel to the novel by feel-good author Mitch Albom. It’s a composite of the folks you’re likely to meet the next time you park your car in amongst the rides at one of the zillion car shows around the country this summer.

    The bulk of folks at car shows are like you and me: Interested in hanging out with other people who like the same things we do, seeing a bunch of other cool cars and maybe enjoying a hot dog. But this spotter’s guide should help you identify a few of the more common car show attendees, We all know at least one of these guys/gals.

    The Trophy Hound:

    This is the guy who – at all costs – is going home with a trophy that you can purchase just about anywhere for $7.28. Trophy Hounds aren’t interested in you, your car, the food, the music or anything else happening. They show up at dawn for prime parking. They find out who the judges are and they work those guys like a tobacco lobbyist.

    Trophy Hounds are somewhat elusive, since they don’t want to talk to you. Look for the guy intently studying the ballot sheet and stuffing the People’s Choice box with his own entries.

    The Display Manager:

    This guy has spent more on tri-fold displays, decoupaged magazine articles, identically painted model cars and t-shirts than he did on the vehicle itself. Signs include a shout out to everybody who ever laid hands on the car, from the body man all the way to the guy who put gas in it at the Pump ‘n’ Pantry.

    Look for them at Staples, opening a business line of credit for the purchase of easels and poster board.

    The Monday Morning Quarterback:

    You like Cragar mags, carnival-ride metalflake paint, dual exhaust and an eight ball shift knob, but this guy’s going to give you all kinds of advice on how you could’ve restored your car to factory specification. “I would’ve gone with the correct wheel covers, and you could never get that paint code on that year,” he’ll casually say as he walks past your car and sniffs.

    Look for the Monday Morning Quarterback as he leaves the show in his factory correct, Galen Govier-certified 1972 Plymouth Valiant sedan painted the same color as a cordovan wingtip.

    The Time Out Guy:

    A lot of people tote along an entourage of stuffed creatures to surround their vehicle. Road Runners, Tasmanian Devils, Tweety Birds, basically the entire cast of any Warner Brothers animated short.

    But the most disturbing manifestation of this trend is the guy with the “time out doll,” a lifelike, humanoid child posed with its hands over where its face should be, and propped up against the bumper to appear as if it is weeping uncontrollably after being punished.

    Am I to understand that some people so relished meting out justice to their own children that they purchased an action figure so that they could relive the experience? I don’t get it. Look for the Time Out Guy yelling at kids to get off his lawn.

    The Set Decorator:

    This guy has a small warehouse filled with every possible automotive accoutrement known to man. He’s got a tray to hang off the window complete with plastic hamburger, fries and frappe, a gas pump, a Wurlitzer jukebox, a drive-in movie speaker mounted on a pole, the KITT flashing lights on his Trans Am, Daisy Duke’s shorts, the whole magilla.

    Look for him still packing up his stuff three hours after the car show has already ended.

    Just had to respond to this!!!

    You forgot one other type of car show attendee; The Cheater> They are the ones that show up at a show shortly before registration closes, checks out who is in what class and then tries to put their car in the class that gives them the best chance at an award or the person that attends a show and on the window card puts the name of that particular town as their home town to get the local or good ol boy vote. Sound familiar to anyone?

    in reply to: I need to vent #41672
    moparkid25 wrote:
    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    Just need to get a few things off my chest then I`m outta here.It seems that lately a few select people have been accusing me of having a poor attitude when it comes to car shows,saying I complain and criticize shows that did not go so well for me.Like I`ve always said and still say,as long as everything is on the up and up and done fairly I have no problems with any show.Am I a trophy hound looking to win a cheap plastic prize? I guess I am,why else do I work so hard to get my truck ready for a show,why do I pay to enter a show when I could just show up,tell the organizers I don`t want to compete,i just want to be with other car people,not pay to register and enjoy the day.A lot of you say winning is not important,if that’s the case then stop paying the fees,show up and enjoy the show.I was recently told by a regular contributer to this site that I am a laughing stock in most peoples eyes and not really welcome at car shows and people talk about me behind my back,but treat me like a friend when we are face to face.Maybe that’s true,maybe it`s not.I don`t really care.My only problem with these friends are a lot of them say “hey I read what was posted and I saw you got banned from the sight for a while and I think you got wronged” yet I have yet to see anyone post anything to back me up.From now on I`m doing my own thing and not worry or care what others think.I believe I do have a few genuine friends at shows and you know who you are.The rest of you do you`re thing and I`ll do mine.I guess being a competitor and having a winning attitude is a bad thing when it comes to car shows and if that’s how most of you feel than I feel sorry for you.

    What flavor of cake would you like at your pity party?

    You bring it on yourself. Its well documented here if a show screws you over and you dont go home with hardware, youre going to bash it. If youre a fierce competitor, thats fine, no one cares. There is a lot of people who compete to win at shows, you are no different from them. Others could give a rats ass if they win an award or not. I’ll let you in on a secret – After I won my very first award, I became extremely competitive for many years. I built and bought nice cars. Then one day my attitude changed, and I mellowed out. If I get a trophy, great. If not, Im not coming home and slitting my wrists.

    Im not sure why I bite into your bait, but I do like to argue with people. Do I make jokes about you? Sure do. You supply me with lots of ammo! You arent the only one (Hi Princess, you miss me?), Its in good fun. You have to be able to take it if youre dishing it out. You earned your “vacation.” You pick fights and have run off good members on this board. You, not anyone else.

    Ok, I may have pissed off the Goodguys rep and he doesnt post anymore, but I busted him with his tounge in cheek comments. My neighbor who thinks I am a Daddys boy was going to quit posting here, he just signed up with a different account name. It is what it is, Ive made a few friends and enemies from the internet. You like making enemies because it drives you. Thats the difference between you and a good looking, confident, passionate love machine like myself :whistle:

    You just don`t get it, I do none of the things you accuse me of.I don`t know who died and made you car show guy but you can kiss my ass stick it where the sun don`t shine. FUCK YOU!!!!!

    in reply to: I need to vent #40572

    Just need to get a few things off my chest then I`m outta here.It seems that lately a few select people have been accusing me of having a poor attitude when it comes to car shows,saying I complain and criticize shows that did not go so well for me.Like I`ve always said and still say,as long as everything is on the up and up and done fairly I have no problems with any show.Am I a trophy hound looking to win a cheap plastic prize? I guess I am,why else do I work so hard to get my truck ready for a show,why do I pay to enter a show when I could just show up,tell the organizers I don`t want to compete,i just want to be with other car people,not pay to register and enjoy the day.A lot of you say winning is not important,if that’s the case then stop paying the fees,show up and enjoy the show.I was recently told by a regular contributer to this site that I am a laughing stock in most peoples eyes and not really welcome at car shows and people talk about me behind my back,but treat me like a friend when we are face to face.Maybe that’s true,maybe it`s not.I don`t really care.My only problem with these friends are a lot of them say “hey I read what was posted and I saw you got banned from the sight for a while and I think you got wronged” yet I have yet to see anyone post anything to back me up.From now on I`m doing my own thing and not worry or care what others think.I believe I do have a few genuine friends at shows and you know who you are.The rest of you do you`re thing and I`ll do mine.I guess being a competitor and having a winning attitude is a bad thing when it comes to car shows and if that’s how most of you feel than I feel sorry for you.

    in reply to: 20th Annual Car Show – Beaver Dam, WI #41668
    jonmandude wrote:
    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    Hopefully the judges can tally up the score sheets a little better than last year.

    Is this really a good idea to call out judges before a show?

    Nobody`s calling out the judges, They tallied a few of the scores wrong and they were the first to admit they made a mistake.The organizers even went so far as to call me and others and explained what happened and even went so far as to remedy the situation. A few of you guys on here seem to have an issue with every thing I do and say on this site. Only thing I can think of is that your`re jealous of my accomplishments since I started showing my truck. Every one says it`s not about the trophies yet when they don`t win one they cry like a baby. I`m not to familier with that feeling since IT IS all about the winning and taking pride in my ride and out of about 40+ shows I`ve attended I have left empty handed 4 times so I must be doing something right. I`m not a hard person to find, if you have a problem with me let me know face to face and not like some little cyber bully who lives in his parents basement.

    in reply to: 20th Annual Car Show – Beaver Dam, WI #41650

    Thought it was a very nice show, need to keep the dogs away. Had one piss on my tire while the owner just stood there and watched.Said something to the guy and he came back with ” it`s just a tire” It`s not just a tire it`s my tire and you should have a little respect for other peoples property. Got the truck out yesterday to clean it up for sat. and noticed it was covered with a fine layer of tree sap.Was fairly easy to clean but was not looking to spend most of the day getting it ready for this weekend. Will be at Deerfield sat. and Albany on sun. Looking forward to a couple of ice cold and cheap beers. Hopefully the judges can tally up the score sheets a little better than last year.

    in reply to: Pardeeville Community Car Show 2013 #41487

    So what you are saying is that it is ok to jump classes to better your chances of winning.If I go to your show with my truck your saying I can put it in a non truck class if I feel my chances of winning a cheap award is better in lets say a class with only one or two entrants?You say you were ok with spring green yet you had a problem with being parked behind the buildings in a place with less foot traffic and less likely to be seen and picked by the other car owners,at least that’s what you were complaining about in your posts about last years show.

    in reply to: Pardeeville Community Car Show 2013 #41486

    Circletrack,your show is not much better. As I recall, at your show last year,cars entered the wrong classes and nothing was done about it. At the last minute you even created a new class for a certain group of british car owners.You have bitched about and critiziced the Edgerton Tobacco Days show. You bitched about where you were parked at the Spring Green show, you of all people should know enough to get to these shows early to get the prime parking spots. I entered 24 shows last year and walked away with an award in 21 out of the 24 I entered.I must be doing something right.Can any of you claim the same.

    in reply to: Pardeeville Community Car Show 2013 #41485

    Nobody`s bitching, just stating fact. Talked to a couple of guys who used to judge at this show and they admitted to favoring there brand of vehicle and gave the votes to these cars whether it was deserving or not.Don`t plan on attending this show, and for johnmandude and circltrack to critizice me, I`ve seen on this site where you bitch and complain just like every one else if things don`t go your way. I`ve always said I have no problem with a show if things are on the up and up and based on all the complaints this show receives every year I say this show is far from being on the up and up. I`m entitled to my opinion and if any of you so called experts on car shows don`t like it then I guess you are the ones with the problem. After all the years they have been putting on this show they should be able to make every one happy or at least comfortable about attending with out having to worry about possibly getting screwed over.

    in reply to: Pardeeville Community Car Show 2013 #41484

    I see that from 1991 to present they are still putting cars and trucks in the same class. I think that that these 2 classes have enough entrants to allow them to have there own separate class.Maybe change some of the year classes or combine some of the more obsolete classes to make room for the newer cars and trucks which are growing in popularity with the newer generation of car show people.How fair is it for me to put my highly modified truck in a class that includes vehicles that are pretty much stock. Then you have judges who prefer a certain brand of vehicle and judge there class according to their own tastes and not on the merit of the vehicles in that particular class. Its seems that with this show nothing has changed and I see it possibly suffering in the years to come, they cater to the old school car people but really do nothing for the up and coming crowd who are showing newer vehicles.

    in reply to: Oxford, Wi. Car Show #40731

    moparkid25 Maybe you should be called on the way you disrespect most of the people who post on here who`s opinions don`t agree with your`s.

    in reply to: Oxford, Wi. Car Show #40727
    moparkid25 wrote:
    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    moparkid25 wrote:
    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    GTO Man wrote:
    I have a flyer and will be posting information tonight.

    Tonight is over and no info posted.

    So you ask for some info, Nick says he will post it, he doesn’t post it and you try to get shitty with him? C’mon man, relax. Nick, Andrew, &Ryan all do an awesome job of keeping this site up to date. Its only Tuesday, you’ve got plenty of time to get the info, get your truck clean, and plan your path long before the show takes place.

    How did i get shitty with him? If any one is getting shitty it`s you.I want to get as much info as i can as early as i can, there are 2 other shows that day that are much closer and i`m trying to decide on which one to attend. If i got SHITTY with you Nick then i apolagize but it looks to like moparkid is up to his usual self and trying to start trouble.

    So he didn’t post the info, and you make this comment:

    Tonight is over and no info posted.

    That’s a BS move when you’re asking for someone’s help. If no one else will call you on it, I will. If it makes me a trouble maker because I called you on it, so be it.

    The BS move is saying you are going to do some thing then you don`t do it.What he could or should of said is i will try to get the info on tonight.I did not jump all over his back about it, i thought it was a nice reminder of something HE said he was going to do. I`m not in the least bit upset with Nick, i realize this site is a lot of work but if you say you`re going to do something especialy where others are apparantly looking for info then you should make that you`re priority.You didn`t call me on anything, i asked for show info and you gave me nothing but a hard time.

    in reply to: Oxford, Wi. Car Show #40721
    moparkid25 wrote:
    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    GTO Man wrote:
    I have a flyer and will be posting information tonight.

    Tonight is over and no info posted.

    So you ask for some info, Nick says he will post it, he doesn’t post it and you try to get shitty with him? C’mon man, relax. Nick, Andrew, &Ryan all do an awesome job of keeping this site up to date. Its only Tuesday, you’ve got plenty of time to get the info, get your truck clean, and plan your path long before the show takes place.

    How did i get shitty with him? If any one is getting shitty it`s you.I want to get as much info as i can as early as i can, there are 2 other shows that day that are much closer and i`m trying to decide on which one to attend. If i got SHITTY with you Nick then i apolagize but it looks to like moparkid is up to his usual self and trying to start trouble.

    in reply to: Oxford, Wi. Car Show #40714
    GTO Man wrote:
    I have a flyer and will be posting information tonight.

    Tonight is over and no info posted.

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