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  • in reply to: 2012 Belleville Car Show #40365

    Yes a local truck will win, i don`t eat chicken and why would i spend ten dollars for a door prize i don`t want or need.

    in reply to: 2012 Belleville Car Show #40361

    Both facts bother me, i attend shows to compete and hopefully win an award. If i dont win thats fine with me but i at least want to feel i have a good chance and with the truck class being all trucks all years i know i don`t have a chance in hell with only one award,been there done that.If your one of those that say winning doesn`t matter than your full of it. Then why spend all that time and money on your ride.If it`s not about the awards then why even bother to spend money on registration, just show up and don`t register and spend time with friends, don`t spend hours on end cleaning and polishing if it`s not important to win at every show you go to.

    in reply to: Albany Lions Car Show #40033

    Just got a call from some one with the albany lions club car show. It seems there was a mistake in adding up the judging sheets in my class and a few others. They said i should have been awarded the 2nd place trophy instead of 3rd. They will try to get the 2nd place trophy back and make a switch. Nice for them to call but i told them to keep there trophy, that the damage was done and i will not be attending thier show in the future.

    in reply to: Definition of a Veteran… #39407

    Spent 18 months in nam,weapons squad leader. Charlie company 16th battalion 25th infantry division.1st ten months as an infantry sharpshooter,last 8 months as security for u.s.non combat personal as they were leaving the country at the end of the vietnam war.Love my country and very pround to have served. Would do it all over agian.

    in reply to: Certified Auto Appraiser Serving South Central WI #39189

    Zac, you seem very experienced and confident for a young man,hope your business takes off and you are very successfull.Apolagize for any bad feeling between us, it was nothing personel.Hell i just might need your sevices some day.If i am in the market to get a different show car or truck you will be the fisrt person i call.Good luck and maybe we will meet this car show season.


    in reply to: What?????? #39072


    in reply to: Layoffs at Wisconsin Companies #39031

    My brother works at famous footwear in the maintenance dept going on 25+ years,so far only 2 people in management have been offered the oppertunity to transfer to either tn. or ca.,every one else is losing there jobs.Walker may not be responible for the closing but so far he is doing nothing to try to keep the place from closing.My brother is almost 60 yrs. old,who is going to hire him?He stands a good chance of losing everything he worked for.All i can do is pray for the poor souls losing thier jobs and try to help my brother out the best i can.

    in reply to: Daddy locking Topics? #38908

    Garibaldi,thanks but no thanks.Not once did i personally attack any individual on this site,but im being attacked by two individuals who seem to have a beef with people who dont agree with thier way of thinking,so to avoid any more conflict i choose not to post on here again.

    in reply to: Daddy locking Topics? #38907

    All i can say is im sorry if i stepped on some peoples toes,from now on ill stay off this site and keep my opinions to myself.

    in reply to: 2nd Anual Back Bar Car Truck and Bike Show #38863

    Im pushing 60 years old and im sure i can hold my own with most guys half my age.You might be big but that dont make you bad and besides nobody was talking to you anyways.It seems moparkid has some kind of beef with me but it looks like he has you fight all his battles.Going back into the forum articles the last few years it seems moparkid has had his problems with quite a few people.I didnt come on hear to create problems or make enemies,just voicing my opinions and thats just what they are, my opinions.

    in reply to: How many trophies/awards did you win this year? #38869

    You all say its not about the trophys,then why even register your ride just bring it,dont register and enjoy the day.To be honest i would love to win at every show i go to but realisticly i know thats not going to happen and if everything is on the up and up at a show im happy to be able to show off my truck knowing i did my best.Who doesnt like winning?By the way my best of class award at the united methodist church in milton a couple of weeks ago came as a big surprise and was a very humble and exciting moment for me.People seem to take my input on here as a persoal attack.Im not attacking anyone ,if you win at a show its because you deserved to win.My bitch is with shows that do not seem to treat all entrants equally.Opinions are like assholes,every one has one and some of them stink.If i have personaly offended any one on here than i am truly sorry,that was not my intent.Just voicing my opionion and my personal observations.Hope to see you all next year.

    in reply to: 2nd Anual Back Bar Car Truck and Bike Show #38861

    Its not about winning awards for me,its about being fair and treating everyone equal.Ive been in a lot of shows this year without winning a thing but i keep on plugging away at it.I had the brace on because i had 3 vertabrete fused,the brace is gone now and i am a lot tougher in person than you might think,like you said this is a puplic forum and i can voice my concerns and my opionion just like everyone else and if it doesnt agree with your way of thinking then thats to bad.

    in reply to: How many trophies/awards did you win this year? #38866

    I always thought it wasnt about the trophys ,instead its suppose to be about showing off your vehicle and meeting and making friends,but i guess thats not the case for most of you people.TROPHY HOUNDS!!!!!

    in reply to: 2nd Anual Back Bar Car Truck and Bike Show #38858

    No he did not show me the judging sheet he told me every thing was excellent and besides its non of your business,you werent even there,you who think your some kind of know it all should keep your nose out of other peoples business if it doesnt concern you.

    in reply to: Pardeeville 2011 #38687


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