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  • in reply to: Here is My Judge Sheet From Pardeeville – WOW #40628

    You guys are not getting the point here.It`s not about me or my dissatisfaction with a paticular show its about every one who feels they were screwed over at a show.If you all keep calling these shows with issues a good show and say you will return to them again then why should these shows change anything about how it is run.You want a show to improve? Boycott that show and hit them were it hurts the most,in the pocket book.If you keep going to shows with issues they are not going to change, thats very obvious at a few shows that have issues. People bitch about the show but keep coming back for more. I`ve been to a lot of shows were i did not win and if everything was on the up and up i have no problems with that show. Some of you feel that if i don`t win i`m bitter, you are all wrong,i`m only bitter when it`s obvious that me or anyone else for that matter was screwed over.Some of you need to get off your high horse and join the rest of the world and try to do something to make changes instead of letting things go as they are.At least i`m trying to get the word out that we can change things at shows but it has to be a group effort and let some of these shows know we mean business. I have never told any one not to attend a show,thats there decision and let them decide if a show is good or not.I`m just expressing my point of view,you all can like it or not but don`t condemm me because i don`t share the same views as you.

    in reply to: Here is My Judge Sheet From Pardeeville – WOW #40623

    circletrack wrote:
    John, you are a nice guy and mean well, but it’s time to put this behind you and MOVE on… you are doing nothing but making yourself miserable, is that how you really want to live, upset over a trophy that you quite possibly wouldn’t have earned in the first place?

    Until you (or anyone that chooses to bash an event) puts one on and knows what goes on behind the scenes, the months of planning and so much more – I don’t think it’s fair to continue to bash a good show. It’s very difficult to get good judges and we ALL make mistakes from time to time. It’s time to stop bringing other people into your own issues, we understand you don’t like Pardeeville and other shows, and that’s fine, but try to move past this negativity you have surrounded yourself with.

    I am not upset over not winning a trophy,what upsets me is how car owners are treated at this show and how all of you think that this is the greatest show around. Nothing against the Nelsons(i`ve met them and they are nice people) but if a show continues to have issues year after year and nothing changes then that show becomes a bad show.
    circletrack, how would you feel if your car lost to a noticably less deserving car and it was so obvious that it was like a slap in the face? This is what some of us are trying to point out about this show. Nobody is complaining about not getting a trophy,we are complaining about fairness or should i say lack of and nothing being done to change it.You have a nice car but what would you do if your car only scored a 40? Would you just sit back and say oh well? What if lets say a show had no classes and my truck beat you out of an award, would you be ok with that even when it`s obvious your car is a much better show car then mine?
    I`m not just bashing pardeevile, i`m bashing all shows that are not on the up and up. It`s just so obvious that pardeeville is a bad show and thats why it keeps coming up when people talk about a bad show.

    in reply to: Here is My Judge Sheet From Pardeeville – WOW #40619

    I never asked for Marshall`s help and he did not stand up for me`, in fact he stuck his nose into business that did not concern him. All my contact with pardeeville people was thru private e-mails and non of them adressed to marshall. If the pardeeville people chose to share those e-mails with marshall than that was there decision. Non of my e-mails even mentioned marshall`s name,he chose to put his name out there and get involved with something that did not even concern him.Not once did i ever bad mouth him or mention his name but he felt the need to get involved so he is fair game as far as i`m concerned. Besides the word on the street is that marshall no longer has any connection to the pardeeville show.

    in reply to: Here is My Judge Sheet From Pardeeville – WOW #40617

    Oh, its ok for people to take cheap shots at me but when i shoot back you get your panties in a bunch. This is a public forum or as you say it`s the internet so i will say what ever is on my mind and if you or any one else does`nt like it well then that is to bad. Pardeeville is a bad show, always was and always will be, thats my opinion and i`m entitled to it just like every one else.

    in reply to: Here is My Judge Sheet From Pardeeville – WOW #40607

    Pardeeville show sucks, in my opinion it is one of the worse shows i have ever attended and i`ve been to a lot of shows. In tbears case how does a car that normaly shows very well only score a 42 out of 100. MMRJR i hope your happy, a show you defend to the end and regard as one of the best shows around fell flat on it`s ass again.The only people who are happy with this show are those that were lucky enough to take home an award and if those that won at pardeeville would have not won they would be the first to bitch about how they got screwed over.

    in reply to: Car Cruises and Shows for August 27 to Labor Day #40488
    MMRJR wrote:
    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    circletrack wrote:
    Not to add fuel to any fire, but at almost every judged show I’ve attended, an announcement regarding those who think they have not been judged is made, so you need to speak up and let the organizers know you’ve been overlooked if that is the case (for anyone).

    Here are the head judges comments:

    As you see Mr Kinnamon now thinks this judging sheet is a forgery. He has given us all the information we need to close this matter.

    Mr Kinnamon entered Class “CC” =2001 to present with an 2003 chev truck (approx 7-8 years old depending on its in-service date)

    1)he said he was not parked on the lake side, but if he would have scrolled down further ,the back of the sheet shows where he put an”x” mark that shows his true location.(which is by the tennis court as he stated)
    2) If this was “filled out recently” as he says ,how did his hand writing get in the owners information box?(I contacted the head of registration who told me the vehicle owner fills that out.
    3)He mentioned he has “an almost perfect body”, and that his seats are ” like new seats”
    4)”he has added alot of chrome and his wheels are highly polished” this is nice but do you have any “curb marks that dont polish out, /things that are not mentioned but seen at the show? Lets remember it was raining last year so chrome evaluations will be tough to verify in the rain. we judge on what we see. besides the amount of chrome does not change the score.
    5)” his paint is like looking in a mirrior” Again it was raining last year.

    I did speak up, they said i was judged but could not or would not allow me to see my judging sheet.

    It took me 11 months to get a copy of my judging sheet or what they say is my judging sheet.What made me suspect that it was a made up judging sheet was the map location where they say i was parked at lakeside when in fact i was parked at the far end of the tennis court near the frog pond and next to the food and silent auction area.They tried to say my truck was dirty from the rain when in fact i took it to a self serve car wash in town then wiped it all down at the show. Go to the show website, click on 2011 picture gallery 2nd page top right corner you will see my truck and how clean it was and see that i was not parked lakeside. They scored my truck 60 out of 100. they gave my tires and wheels a 5 out of 10,Ithink some one just tried to remember or guess what and where my truck was and how it looked. I have copies of my so called judging sheets if any one cares to look at it.

    Yes i did fill out the registration part, but if i was not judged as i suspect then the judging info would be blank and could have been filled out any time. i don`t think being at least a hundred yards from the lakeside is considered lake side. It was not raining when i arrived and i washed my truck in pardeeville and wiped it down and detailed it when i arrived at the show,it was not dirty from the rain(look at the picture on the website from last year).I still hold on to my belief and nothing you say or do will change my mind . i feel i have enough evidence to put a little doubt in most peoples minds that just maybe i am right about this.

    in reply to: Car Cruises and Shows for August 27 to Labor Day #40485
    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    circletrack wrote:
    Not to add fuel to any fire, but at almost every judged show I’ve attended, an announcement regarding those who think they have not been judged is made, so you need to speak up and let the organizers know you’ve been overlooked if that is the case (for anyone).

    I did speak up, they said i was judged but could not or would not allow me to see my judging sheet.

    It took me 11 months to get a copy of my judging sheet or what they say is my judging sheet.What made me suspect that it was a made up judging sheet was the map location where they say i was parked at lakeside when in fact i was parked at the far end of the tennis court near the frog pond and next to the food and silent auction area.They tried to say my truck was dirty from the rain when in fact i took it to a self serve car wash in town then wiped it all down at the show. Go to the show website, click on 2011 picture gallery 2nd page top right corner you will see my truck and how clean it was and see that i was not parked lakeside. They scored my truck 60 out of 100. they gave my tires and wheels a 5 out of 10,Ithink some one just tried to remember or guess what and where my truck was and how it looked. I have copies of my so called judging sheets if any one cares to look at it.

    in reply to: Car Cruises and Shows for August 27 to Labor Day #40481
    circletrack wrote:
    Not to add fuel to any fire, but at almost every judged show I’ve attended, an announcement regarding those who think they have not been judged is made, so you need to speak up and let the organizers know you’ve been overlooked if that is the case (for anyone).

    I did speak up, they said i was judged but could not or would not allow me to see my judging sheet.

    in reply to: Car Cruises and Shows for August 27 to Labor Day #40470

    Marshal, since you are posting what was a private e-mail ,do you want me to post your e-mail to me? Non of my private e-mails were directed to or at you but you felt you had to stick your nose in business that did not concern you. You were the one who told me i was not welcome at pardeeville and i can post your e-mail that states this if you so desire. Once again you are sticking your nose into something that does not concern you. I did not mention your name, you put that out here.All my e-mails were to greg kiep not you so mind your own business.

    in reply to: Car Cruises and Shows for August 27 to Labor Day #40469

    I was told by a certian contributer to this forum that i was not welcome at pardeeville because i had a issue with the judging or lack of from last year and because i voiced my opinion thru private e-mails that i had ruined the reputation of this show and had burned my bridges and was not welcome at pardeeville this year.

    in reply to: Car Cruises and Shows for August 27 to Labor Day #40467

    I was told i was not welcome at Pardeeville.

    in reply to: Car Cruises and Shows for August 6 to August 12 #40376

    Watertown riverfest is 89 and older,got this from the watertown guy with blue 68 camero and alan kluge.

    in reply to: 2012 Belleville Car Show #40372

    So not only are you a cheater, your a lazy cheater.Never said i couldn`t afford a good show,i said i will not waste my money on a show that i know i will not win at,but at least i do the shows honestly and at the end of the day i can walk away with my head held high knowing i did my best with out being dishonest about it.Saying you don`t vote at particapant judged show just shows how lazy you are and the type of person you truly are.Shows are shows no matter what type or where they are.

    in reply to: 2012 Belleville Car Show #40370

    By playing the game do you mean put the the name of the town where the show is at on your window card to get the local vote even if you are not from the area? You say you go to be with friends, is that so you can get there votes at these particapant judged shows. I don`t need to cheat or lie to win awards, my truck does pretty good on it`s own. I`ve won at 12 out of 15 shows i`ve been in this year, can you say that for your car? Yes i do call organizers about there shows and i do pick shows where i feel i have a good chance of winning, thats how i play the game.Yes it is all about the mighty trophy and i`m a big enough man to admit it.I also enjoy meeting up with old friends and making new ones, that is my perk when attending shows but my priority is getting my truck ready and taking home some good memories and the best award i can.Most but not all that say other wise are full of crap.

    in reply to: 2012 Belleville Car Show #40368

    I`m not like you who probably has money to burn. i`m on a very limited income because of a work related injury and every penny counts. It is more inportant for me to use ten dollars to feed my family than to waste it on something like this show. And don`t tell me you never expect to win at car shows, i hear this all the time at shows and those that say this are the biggest cry babies when they don`t win.All i`ve ever asked from any show is be fair and if i lose to a better ride so be it but if i lose to someone because he is sleeping with the judges sister or mother or gets the good ol boy vote then ya i get a little pissed off. If you win its probably because you have a club or friends throwing votes your way. Don`t jump on my ass because i decide for whatever reason not to attend a show.

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