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  • in reply to: It’s Gonna Be A Long Winter…. #20017
    GTO Man

    I agree with both of you. The car show season abruptly ends in early October. then comes the realization of how long the winter will be. Still have to get the cars ready for winter. Few if any decent days left for driving. Today is certainly a dark day. This winter we don’t have any projects planned on the cars except the possibility of picking up an additional one. We store a couple of cars in an extra garage at my brothers house. It is heated and insulated and is set up nice with posters, diecasts, trophies(the few we have gotten), a bar. Last year did the interior in his ’71 Cutlass convertible which turned out well.

    Saw a station yesterday where diesel was 3.79/gallon, glad I don’t own a diesel. I see from his website that Spring Green Motors was going to be at a Mecum auction this weekend, I think he brought down the Boss 302 and a Shelby.

    in reply to: Back Up on the Forum #19815
    GTO Man


    As you said this past weekend would of been perfect for a car show. It is too bad they can’t be put together on short notice. It was a nice weekend for a drive. I hate to think of putting the cars away. Today would of been a nice day for a drive, unfortunately it may of been the last fairly warm day of the year.


    in reply to: Mayor Dave’s Budget #19575
    GTO Man

    I think he has another two years.

    in reply to: Mayor Dave’s Budget #19573
    GTO Man

    I see someone is going to spearhead a campaign to recall Mayor Dave. I will sign the petition. I believe he is out of touch with the average person. He has his own agenda which doesn’t match those of the majority of the people.

    in reply to: Vandalism… #19514
    GTO Man
    About two months ago, while I was at work, someone tried to punch out a door lock but they were scared off before they finished. I did have to fix the door and replace the lock. I got lucky that time, no broken glass and the car was still there. I have had cars stolen and broken into at work before.

    Alot of people have no respect for someone else’s property. Usually its because they will never have anything like it themselves. The justice system doesn’t punish these people enough. Maybe vigilante justice is the answer.

    GTO Man

    Models put out by the auto manufacturer which it appears that one is I think have a better chance of appreciating than ones put out by company which just chooses which cars they will sell as diecasts.

    in reply to: Best car event of 2005 #19623
    GTO Man

    I would agree with a number of the comments made here. I thoroughly enjoyed Iola and Automotion in the Dells, and Spring Jefferson is always good. For an all around show Iola was probably the best, followed by Jefferson. As far as a show only I would say Automotion. They usually get a great turnout of top cars.

    I was also disapointed in the Deerfield car show. I know when I drove in and talked to the guy directing cars he was very concerned about making sure cars didn’t take up too much room. He said they were expecting alot more cars. He couldn’t of been more wrong, most of the field was empty. I skipped a number of other shows that weekend that looked interesting. Another disapointment was Klassarama, not nearly as many cars as previous years and most likely caused by lack of trophies. Another disapointment was Monroe which was very poorly organized.

    in reply to: Well I’ve hit 2000 pictures!!!! #19104
    GTO Man
    Absolutely – I for one, appreciate it, and I am sure that many others do also

    There is no way that we can get around at any of the shows to see all the good cars that are competing. But on this forum, we can check most, if not all, of the cars out at our convenience from our PC’s. It is a great service!!!!

    The way this old car thing is going, next year you will have even more to post with more people participating and showing a variety of cars.

    On a lighter note, did anyone besides me, get excited about the antique fire truck that was for sale at Jefferson??? Wouldn’t that be a hoot, to show an antique fire truck at some of the local shows????


    I remember that antique fire truck. That was a cool vehicle in good shape. If I remember right it was priced fairly. That is one reason I like the Jefferson shows, you never know what you will see for sale.

    in reply to: Circletrack – Where Are You????? #19700
    GTO Man

    I couldn’t find any shows to put on the calendar for this weekend. People don’t want to take a chance of planning a show when the weather can be so unpredictable.

    in reply to: Circletrack – Where Are You????? #19699
    GTO Man

    Sharp car, I’m sure it is a blast to drive. That is a nice shade of blue.

    in reply to: Well I’ve hit 2000 pictures!!!! #19098
    GTO Man

    Great work Garibaldi, hopefully people appreciate it.

    in reply to: Do you have a bumper sticker on your vehicle? #19600
    GTO Man

    I don’t have any bumper stickers on my car. Probably the main reason is some of the ones I might put on would make people mad.

    in reply to: New Glarus Car Show #19499
    GTO Man

    Circletrack, sounds like a nice car. I have always liked those, cool looking cars with alot of power.

    I doubt there was much of a turnout for New Glarus, cool and cloudy. Today would of been a much better day.

    Marshall, I will have to check out that dealer. I emailed the owner of Spring Green Motors because I added them to our list of links on this site. He said he is basically a one man operation, a Mustang fanatic. I noticed he has sold some cars already.

    in reply to: Janesville Car Show??? #19537
    GTO Man
    I noticed that there was an annual car show scheduled for this past Saturday in Janesville. Did anyone go or has anyone participated in this show in the past????

    Checked the car show schedule – It looks like we can “stick a fork in it for this year” because we are done. crybaby2.gif

    So now I guess we start thinking about how we can make more shows next year, and improve our chances of placing. Don’t know about you guys, but I have much that I would like to get done before the first show of 2006 rolls around.


    We went to the Janesville show last year. There were about 16 cars when we arrived. I think that was the high count for the day. A number of cars came in, the people sat in their car for a few minutes and left. It wasn’t a bad setting but was certainly a disappointment as a show. Like you said this was basically the last weekend. Today would of been a nice day for a show. Probably a few drives left this year but will be putting them away by early to mid November.

    I think you really have to plan out the year as far as the shows you want to attend. I plan on making the calendar better and more complete next year. Have found a new format which should be great.

    in reply to: Pedal Cars #19350
    GTO Man
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